
Jasco HPLC

Seriennummer: 021603
Status: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
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Objektnummer B00021603
Seriennummer 021603
Object Naam Jasco HPLC
Status Archiv

Status, leverings- en betalingsvoorwaarden


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manufacturer :       Jasco

model :                   HPLC

annotation :           Dokumente engl.



The devices are modular designed. Please find the modules you are looking for.


Model PU-980 HPLC Pump

Microprocessor-controlled HPLC Pump with the most advanced proven pumping mechanism

Model PU-980 intelligent HPLC pump covers a wide flow rate range from 1 µl/min with a flow rate precision as good as ± 0.1 %. Versatile programming capabilities allow sophisticated time-based programs of high binary and low pressure ternary gradient elution, flow rate, solvent selection, etc., meeting numerous requirements on HPLC applications in various fields. Model PU-980i Inert HPLC pump assures biological separation without contact with any metallic material.



- Compact, space saving design as small as 150 mm with / 150 mm height

- Built-in program allows high-pressure gradient operation of 2 PU-980 pumps or low-pressure gradient operation of one PU-980 pump and proportioning valve without any external system controller

- Automatic plunger cleaning function provided as standard


Main specifications PU-980 HPLC Pump

Flow rate range:                 1 µl/min to 10.0 ml/min with 1 µl/min step

Flow rate accuracy:           ± 2% of setting or ±10 µl/min, whichever is greater

Maximum pressure:           500 kgf/cm 2

Time program:                   64 steps, up to 10 files

Dimension:                         150 (W) x 464 (D) x 150 (H) mm

Weight:                               Approx. 10 kg







Model UV-970/Model UV-975

Model UV-970 / Model UV-975 intelligent UV/VIS detector covers a wide wavelength range from 190 to 700 nm with D 2 and tungsten lamps (Model UV-970) and from 190 to 600 nm with D 2 lamp (Model UV-975). Both models offers extremely stable baseline with low noise; 2 x 10 -4 ABU/hour, and ±0.5 x 10 -5 AU at 250 nm. Versatile time-programming capabilities are provided for wavelength, response, range, spectral scan, etc. A rapid scan feature allows on-flow spectral acquisition without interrupting chromatographic elution.



- Compact, space saving design as small as 150 mm width/150 mm height

- High sensitivity measurement with the range of 0.0005 ABU

- Wide wavelength range of 190 nm to 700 nm for UV-970 (600nm for UV-975)

- High speed spectral scanning

- Time programming with 64 steps for easy and Optimum chromato­graphic runs


Specifications UV-975 UV/VIS detector

Optical System

Monochromator:                 Non-aberration Monk-Gillieson mounting

Diffraction grating:              1200 lines/mm

Spectral bandwidth:           8 nm

Wavelength accuracy:       ± 2 nm


reproducibility:                    ± 0.1 nm

Light source:                      D2 lamp

Wavelength range:             190 - 600 nm

Photometric System

Type:                                  Dual beam photometer

Noise level:                         ± 0.5 x 10 -5 AU (at 250 nm with standard response and empty cell)

Sensitivity Range :             0.0005, 0.001, 0.0025, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16 ,0.32 ,

                                          0.64, 1.28, 2.56 AU/10mV S( short)

Response:                         Fast (0.05 sec), standard (1 sec), slow (3 sec)

Flow Cell

Type:                                  Front loading cassette cell

Standard flow cell:            Taper cell (10 mm path length)

Optional:                             Preparative cell, high pressure cell, semi-micro LC cell, PTFE cell,


Input/Output Communications

Analog output:                    One circuit for recorder output of 10 mV/FS, one circuit for

                                          Integrator output (three settings)

Peripheral Connections:    LC-Net, marker IN/OUT, autozero, leak output, program start,

                                          RS232C (optional)

Program Functions

Time program:                   Time program for wavelength, response, autozero, sensitivity, and

                                          spectrum measurement (in increments of 0.1 min up to 999.9 min,

                                          maximum 64 steps)

Absorption spectrum

measurement range:         200 - 600 nm

Spectrum memory

function :                            Stores the recorded spectral scans and subtracts the basline.

                                          Ten memories available.

Auto-lamp OFF:                 Set in 0.1 hour increments from 0.1 to 99.9 hours


Dimensions, mass:           150W x 464 D x 150 H mm, approx. 9 kg

Power requirements:         80 W maximum


Model RI-930 Detektor

Model RI-930 intelligent RI detector offers extremely low baseline noise and very stable baseline of 0.5 x 10 -8 RIU and less than 8 x 10 -7 RIU/hour under the conditions with flow cell filled with water and flow of THF with temperature change less than 1°C, respectively. The change of sensitivity range and the purging of reference cell can be done automatically by utilizing time-programming. In addition, temperature of heat exchanger is controllable in the range from 10°C above an ambient to 45°C.


Model AS-950 Autosampler

Model AS-950 intelligent autosampler allows injections up to 50 samples (standard) with high-reproducibility; better than 0.5 % R.S.D and 0.3 % R.S.D on partial loop and full loop injections, respectively. More features such as pre-column derivatization, sample dilution, sample cooling/heating (option) are also available. A wide variety of sample racks makes it possible to use almost all types of sample vials and tubes on the market. Model AS-950i lnert Autosampler of which materials in contact with solvent are polymer and glass is also available.


Specifications AS-950 Autosampler

Sample injection method: Fixed or variable injection (selection made by keypress)

Number of samples:          50 (2.0m1, 0.3m1 vials)

                                          84 (0.5ml vials)

                                          96 (microplate)

Sample rack:                      Holds 50 vials

                                          Optional: Chromacol Mini Reck (03-CVG, holds 84)

                                          Optional : Microplate Rack

Standard sample loop:       100 µl

Injection volume:                Variable injection: 1 - 200 µI (up to 1000 µl with options)

                                          Fixed injection: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000µ1

Repeatability:                     0.5% (Variable injection, 10 µI)

                                          0.3% (Fixed injection, 20   µl)

Contamination:                   0.05% (for 20 gl injection volume)

Sample loss volume:         20 µI (up to 100 µl)

Sample cooling/heating:    Electronic cooling/heating unit (optional)

                                          +4°C or 37°C can be selected using a switch

Maximum pressure used: 350 kgf/cm 2

Materials used for

tubing connections:            SUS 316, resin, hardened glass

Display:                              16 character, 2 line LCD multi-display; settings

                                          entered using numeric keys


functions:                           Program functions (64 steps) and 10 fites. Can randomly set range of sample numbers for injection, injection volume (when using variable injection) and number of injections. Can also execute temporary stop, high priority (urgent) sample processing and add, insert and delete steps.

Self-diagnostics:                Checks memory (ROM ,RAM ), DC power, X,Y movement of syringe, Z movement of needle and valve rotation.

External control:                 Can be controlled by 802-SC or externally controlled through

                                          RS-232C (optional).

Input/Output terminals:      INJ. MARKER      3 circuits

                                          STOP OUT          1 circuits

                                          STOP IN               1 circuit

                                          REMOTE INJ      1 circuit

Dimensions:                       150 (W) x 300 (W) x 470 (D)

Mass:                                 12 kg

Power consumption:          50 W

Model HG 980-30 / Model HG 980-31 Mischkammer

These are high pressure gradient mixer modules up to 3 solvents. Model HG-980-30 is for general use in high-pressure-mixing gradient systems with conventional columns. Model HG-980-31 has higher mixing efficiency to offer stable baseline when a mobile phase with UV absorption and detection wavelength needs to be set bellow 230 nm.


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