
Hewlett Packard 5970 B

Seriennummer: 012753
Status: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Hewlett Packard GC-MSD 5890/5970 Serie B. Chemstation Software. Controler 7673A. Autosampler Tray. Injection Tower. Balzer Turbomolecular Pump.
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Objektnummer B00012753
Seriennummer 012753
Object Naam Hewlett Packard 5970 B
Status Archiv

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Firma:              Hewlett Packard

Modell:            5970 B

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl. (für IDNR 11077)

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representating the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

Hewlett Packard 5890 A


Instrument Dimensions and Weight

Height :             17-1/4 inches (464 mm)

Width :              23-3/4 inches (662 mm)

Depth :              25-1/2 inches (511 mm)

Weight :             90 pounds (41 kg)

Power Requirements

Voltages :           120/200/220/240

Range :                 +5, -10% each

Frequency :        47.5 - 66 Hz

Consumption :       2200 VA max

Output :                 7500 BTU/hr max


Operating range is: 10 - 40°C ambient

                                  5 - 95% humidity

Heated Devices

Up to 4 heated zones

Detectors:                  2 maximum

Inlets :             2 maximum

Flow Sensor

Range :                                  0-100 sccm

Accuracy :                             ± 3 sccm tor He and H 2

                                     ± 5 sccm for N 2 and ArCH 4

Extended range:       100 - 150 sccm

Accuracy :                             ± 15 sccm

(sccm = standard cc per minute)

Detector Signal

For external processing by a recorder, Integrator, or computer:







INET digital

4 Hz

0.32 sec

0 -1 mV analog

~ 4 Hz


0 -1V analog

2.6 Hz

0.50 sec

*   that can be accurately calculated by an external measuring device (e.g., integrator) operating at »4 Hz bandwidth fre­quency.

** Actual bandwidth depends on the input impedance of the measuring device.

Hewlett Packard 7673

Uncompromising precision matched with consistently high productivity

Hewlett-Packard's 7673 automated liquid sampler system can be on-the­job, 24 hours a day, delivering exact precision with every injection.

Developed to enhance the perfor­mance and productivity of our industry-standard HP 5890 Series II Gas Chromatograph, the HP 7673 has three easily integrated com­ponents:

• Automatic injector

• Automatic sampler with 100-sample tray

• Sample identification module

This system offers a range of flexible and affordable upgrade options­ with efficiency and convenience built in.

The HP 7673 Injector with three ­vial sampling improves chromato­graphic precision without the cost of a full-featured sample trag.

This first step in automation provides multiple benefits:

• Automatic injection eliminates differences in manual injection techniques.

• Fast injection mode dramatically reduces sample discrimination in vaporizing inlets.

• Automated on-column injection virtually eliminates thermal decomposition of the sample.

When you need increased automa­tion, the HP 7673 Injector with 100-sample tray increases labora­tory productivity while providing flexibility of operation.

• High priority samples can be analyzed with minimal operator intervention.

• Samples can be analyzed in any sequence, with calibration and blank samples accessed periodically.

• Samples can be heated or cooled, quadrant by quadrant.

By adding a second injector, you can make one GC do the work of two. The second injector lets you:

• Run two sets of samples simul­taneously through one GC.

• Confirm a sample by running it on both inlets.

The HP 18587 Bar Code Sample Identification System assures that reports correctly match samples, eliminating sequence inaccuracies. Moreover, for convenience,

the sample code is printed on the chromatographic report.

Automating your chromatography system

Automation offers benefits in consistent and precise analyses, increased laboratory productivity, consistent temperature control, and the ability to per-form random or priority sampling.

Eliminate Needle Discrimination

Since Hewlett-Packard pioneered fast injection over five years ago, the HP 7673 fast injection mode has become the Standard for all gas chromatography automatic injec­tion. Because the actual dwell time of the syringe in the injection port is approximately 100 milliseconds for one microliter, fast injection reduces sample discrimination caused by needle fractionation and improves peak area reproduc­ibility. Fast injection can be paired with Hewlett-Packard's packed or Split/splitless inlets-specifically designed to take advantage of the injector's capabilities.

Increase Injection Flexibility

For those who want to mimic manual injection speed, the

HP 7673 Injector also has a slow injection mode.

Simplify Calibration and Purity Checks

With Hewlett-Packard data han­dling systems, the sequence of the samples selected by the HP 7673 robotic arm can be programmed to return the arm to a particular stan­dard for periodic calibration or a blank sample to check system purity. Samples do not have to be run sequentially, avoiding the need to prepare multiple calibration and blank samples.

Analyze Priority Samples Fast

High priority samples can be intro­duced at any time for immediate analysis. Simply place the priority vial in the preselected position on the tray. After the priority Sample is analyzed, the programmed sequence picks up where it left off.

Enhancing Quantitative Precision

The injector, teamed with the Hewlett-Packard on-column inlet, reduces inlet-related discrimination and enhances quantitative pre­cision because the sample is vaporized inside the column. Furthermore, thermally labile compounds do not decompose or rearrange because they are not exposed to high temperatures.

The HP 7673 Automatic Injector/ Sampler system offers innovative features that make your laboratory more productive and easier to operate.

Double Sample Throughput with One Chromatograph

Hewlett-Packard offers dual simul­taneous injection, which allows you to inject samples into two inlets at the same time. You achieve twice as many analyses for each gas chro­matograph, which saves analysis time, reduces the cost of hardware and maintenance, and frees bench space while providing excellent precision and accuracy.

You can process your samples in either of two modes-parallel throughput or sequential confirmation.

Automate All Your Hewlett-Packard Gas Chromatographs

The HP 7673 Automatic Injector/Sampler is compatible with Hewlett-Packard gas chromatographs, offering backward compatibility.

Moreover, the HP 7673 is light­weight and easily portable between Hewlett-Packard gas chromato­graphs. No gases, regulators, tubing, or expensive pneumatics just plug it in and the syringe and injection port are automatically aligned.

Furthermore, the injector removes easily for convenient injection port maintenance.

Assuring Positive Sample Identification

Identify Samples Correctly, Every Time

When you attach the HP 18587 Bar Code Sample Identification module to the HP 7673 sampling tray you eliminate transcription errors. This supports GLP standards by elec­tronically transferring the bar code to your data handling system. The sample identification system reads and adapts to a wide variety of industry-standard bar code symbols.

Hewlett Packard 5970 B

General Description

The HP 5970B Mass Selective Detector (MSD) is a stand-alone capillary GC detector designed for use with a variety of gas chromatographs. It is compact and portable (mainframe weighs 54 kg), requires no cooling water or compressed air, and operates on standard 120-volt power. The detector mainframe includes the GC interface, an electron impact ion source, hyperbolic quadrupole mass filter, electron multiplier detector, power supply, drive electronics, and analyzer vacuum system. The detector can be factory configured for either right or left side sample inlet.

Real-time control of the MSD is done by the MSD electronics. Operating parameters are entered through the data system which also receives and processes the raw data from the MSD. Two data systems are available for use with the HP 5970B: the HP 59970C ChemStation and the HP 59870B RTE Data System (which uses HP 59872A GC/MS Software). The ChemStation is a single-user, single-tasking system while the RTE data system is a multi-user, multi-tasking system.

Software on both data systems includes programs which automatically adjust voltages in the ion source, calibrate mass assignment, and control scanning of the mass analyzer. Data acquisition programs allow the operator to monitor the total ion current, automatically storing the mass spectra of GC peaks as they elute, or to monitor several ions in the selected ion monitoring mode.

Data editing programs provide for plotting the mass spectra, tabulating spectra, and searching spectral libraries. Software for integration of peak areas allows quantitation of several ions. Also included is diagnos­tic software which allows the service specialist to set and monitor various voltages for troubleshooting and service, INET diagnostics, and calibration. Additional software options include an automated injec­tion/edit/report package, and NBS Libraries.


Mass Selection                        Scanning mode: Scans any mass range between 10 and 800 amu          in 0.1 amu steps. Up to three mass ranges may be selected using     time programming.

Resolution                               Unit resolution throughout mass range established automatically under computer control.

Scan Speed                            Eight user-selected scan rates with a maximum of 1500   amu/second with 0.1 amu mass resolution.

Sensitivity                                Typical performance for 1 ng of methyl stearate yields a signal-to­ noise ratio of better than 20:1 at m/z 298.3 when scanned at 380          amu/second between m/z 290 and 310.

Selected Ion                            Monitors up to 20 individually selected masses at one time. Up to Monitoring Mode                                                10 groups of 20 masses may be selected for each run using time                                                programming.

Dwell Tinte                              User-selectable from a minimum of 10 milliseconds per m/z value           up to a maximum of 32757 milliseconds.

Sensitivity                                Typical performance in selected ion monitoring: 10 pg of methyl   stearate when monitoring m/z 298.3 for a dwell time of 50 mil­         liseconds, with a 10:1 signal-to-noise.

Detector                                  Continuous dynode electron multiplier. Power supply to the           multiplier is computer controlled. Maximum voltage is 3000 volts,         settable in 200 volt increments.

Ion Source                               Electron impact source with electron energy of 70 eV. Two           filaments are selectable to allow continued operation in the event            of filament failure. Complete source is removable as an assembly                                for convenient cleaning.

Mass Filter                               Quadrupole mass filter consists of four molybdenum rods, 203    mm long, precisely formed to a hyperbolic shape.

Dynamic Range                      An FET logarithmic preamplifier provides five decades of dynamic           range. In MSDs with RTE data systems, a linear preamplifier           provides five decades of dynamic range.

Mass Axis Stability                  Mass axis stability of ±0.5 amu in eight hours.

Vacuum System                     Analyzer vacuum is maintained by an aircooled turbomolecular    pump backed by a two-stage direct drive mechanical pump.     Overall system pumping speed is approximately 60 liters per                                                second for helium. The vacuum system can accommodate a       capillary flow rate of 1.0 cc/minute (atmosphere) of helium.         Pumpdown from (or venting to) atmosphere requires         approximately 10 minutes. Time to reach operating tempera­ture   (or cool down for venting) is approximately one hour.

                                               Optional ion gauge controller monitors pressure in the high           vacuum chamber up to 1 x 10 -3 Torr. Typical chamber pressure is 5 x 10 -5 Torr at 0.5 cc/minute of helium.

Safety Features                       Automatic interrupt system provides protection against damage   due to excess ion source pressure or electron multiplier output           current, as well as filament or RFPA failure.

                                               In addition, analyzer temperature zone and operating voltages are            inter locked with turbo pump speed to prevent instrument damage        due to operation at excess source pressure.

                                               An elapsed time clock indicates service interval time for turbo       pump preventive maintenance.

Temperature Control               Ion source/analyzer temperature is controlled by a fixed     temperature thermostatic controller. Ion source temperature is            maintained at about 180-250°C.

                                               Interface temperature is controlled by the gas chromatograph       through the auxiliary zone controller or through a detector zone   controller. Other external temperature control is also possible.

                                               Recommended Interface operating temperature is from 100 to     300°C.

GC Interface                            Two options available are a capillary direct interface and an open-             split Interface. With the capillary direct interface, the fused silica   capillary column is inserted directly into the ion source. The                                                interface options are offered in three versions. The 68 mm            interface is designed for the HP 5710 or 5790 series GCs; the 94            mm interface is for the HP 5880 GC, and the 214 mm interface is                                             for the HP 5890 GC. The interface is considered an extension of the GC; its operating parameters are control­led by the GC.

Temperature                           The MSD will operate within specifications in a temperature-Environment                                                environment of 15 to 35°C.

Carrier Gas                             A regulated supply of high purity GC carrier gas is required.          Minimum purity of 99.9995% is recommended. Molecular sieve           trap is also recommended.

Power                                      The detector mainframe operates on 100, 120, 220, 240 volts       (switch selectable) (+5%, -10%) single phase, 15 amperes. The           line frequency is 48-66 Hz.

Heat Dissipation                      Heat dissipation is 7000 BTU/hour (approximately).

Size and Weight                      Height: 39 cm (15 in). Width: 55 cm (21.5 in). Depth: 52 cm (20.5 Detector Mainframe                                                in). Weight: 54 kg (119 lbs).

* Including free-standing forepump; not including data system components.

Product groep: GC / MS

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