
Shimadzu 17 A

Seriennummer: 014143
Stato: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
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Objektnummer B00014143
Seriennummer 014143
Nome oggetto Shimadzu 17 A
Stato Archiv

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Labprocure GmbH, as the advertiser, is responsible for the content of this device offer. Labprocure assumes liability for the offers advertised here and for the photos and offer texts included. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstraße 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:                   Shimadzu

Modell:                17 A

Kommentar:        Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

Operation male easy from start to Finish !

•            Capillary column installation is a breeze in our spa­cious oven with our pre-formed graphite ferrules, large nuts, and unique capillary column holder.

•            Parameter setup is straightforward and precise as all critical parameters may be Set directly from the keyboard. This includes all temperatures (8 control zones) and carrier gas flow rate or pressure, column linear velocity, column flow or split ratio.

•            Once entered parameters are stored in 10 battery backed up files. Each file may be thought of as a GC method which may be recalled using the FILE key.

•            Parameters include up to a 5 ramp temperature program and a 5 ramp column inlet pressure or flow program including the time program control of Split ratio.

•            The FID flame is ignited from the keyboard with our new auto-ignitor.

•            Data collection can immediately ensue with a mini­mum of settings, especially if the new Wide Range F1D and C-R7Aplus Chromatopac are used,

•            The advanced features of the GC-17A provide a high degree of quantitative and qualitative reliability. AFC provides duplication of carrier gas flow and/or pres­sure unachievable in the past. This means there is better reproducibility from run to run, method to method, and instrument to instrument.

Why Develop AFC ?

Manual determination and setting of carrier gas flow parameters including split ratio is one of the most tedious and error prone steps in setting up a gas chromatographic analysis. The GC-1 7A makes flow or pressure setting simple with our new AFC system. Flow rate, column inlet head pressure, linear velocity and split ratios can be set through direct entry via the keyboard. This eliminates measuring or setting er­rors. Flow settings and split ratios can be precisely reproduced providing excellent quantitative and qualitative reliability.

Simple Entry/Flexible Feedback

Entry of parameters is accomplished through the keyboard and a two-line LCD display, Three para­meters are typically displayed at one time as shown above for temperatures and to the right for AFC parameters. This facilitates parameter entry and min­imizes key strokes.

Superior Reproducibility

One of the major benefits of AFC is that digital electronic flow or pressure setting is inherently reproducible. The data to the left illustrates the typical retention time reproducibility of constant-pressure, isothermal runs an the GC-17A. Better reproducibility means better data and increases confidence in iden­tification and quantitation.

Shorter Run Times: Combined Programs

Simplified setup and reproducibility are not the only benefits of AFC. Productivity can also be improved by shortening analysis times which is possible through the use of pressure or flow programs and tempera­ture programs. In the past, one would run a tempera­ture program in order to separate a wide boiling range sample. Column flow was controlled by a pressure controller. As a column is temperature programmed, the flow will decrease with increasing temperature if the head pressure is constant. This means that one could only choose the optimum flow for the begin­ning, the middle or the end of the temperature program, therefore, chromatographic resolution was sacrificed. AFC solved this by providing a 5-step flow or pressure program which allows for optimum flow to be maintained throughout the temperature program, thereby decreasing the analysis time.

Automatic Split Ratio Calculation:

What a time saver !

Ease of operation and conservation of carrier gases are both achieved with our unique ability to set the split flow automatically from the keyboard. Simply enter the column dimensions, then the desired column flow rate or linear velocity and the split ratio, the system will automatically calculate the column inlet head pressure to achieve these set points. In addition, the split flow can be time programmed allowing the user the opportunity to decrease it alter injection in order to conserve carrier gas usage.

Simple, Interactive Control

All parameters including those of the AFC can be set through the standard menu driven GC-17A control software resident in the C-R7Aplus Personal Chromatopac. The C-P7Aplus uses our unique optical link interface to achieve simple, responsive control of the GC-17A and its standard floppy or hard disk for ar­chival of GC-17A methods.

Automated Ideal Sample Injection and Control

The CC-17A may be combined with the AOC-17 (with or without OAK-1400 Automatic Sampler) for "ideal" sample handling. Ideal sample handling is the ability of the OAK-17 to inject samples in the best possible fashion for the injection technique being used. The AOC-17 achieves this through programmability of all injection parameters including injection speed and port dwell time while also offering several solvent flush injection techni­ques. The combination of the AOC-17 and the automated control of fea­tures of the GC-17A allows error free setup of conditions and optimization for the best possible analyses.

Control of a totally automated system is possible from the C-R7Aplus Chromatopac or a PC via an optional serial interface. The C-R7Aplus in­cludes a Menu-driven GC/AOC Control Program as a standard feature: This combined with the C-R7Aplus's Batch Sample Processing utility provides for automatic processing of multiple standard and unknown samples. If customized automated control is desired, BASIC programming may be performed on C-R7Aplus which allows control of all GC-17A parameters through the use of simple Iogical key words. One such ap­plication might be to automatically optimize analytical conditions by varying certain parameters in a BASIC program.

Automatic Startup and Shut Down

Conservation of energy and carrier gas is becoming more and more im­portant from a business standpoint in Iaboratory operations. The GC-17A addresses this by providing the user the opportunity to control on a time basis, when heaters and carrier gas flows are turned on and off. This is possible because 10 parameter files are stored in battery backed up memory and can be invoked using Start Time, Stop Time, Flovv Off Time, and Sleep Time functions automatically. These functions allow precious resources to be saved while ensuring that the analyst need not waste time waiting for the instrument to equilibrate.

Conditions Easily Viewed in Real Time

The backlit, liquid crystal display allows three parameters to be viewed simultaneously during real-time operation. The content is flexible and may be chosen by the user. Typical choices are temperatures, pressures, flows, and run time. This flexibility allows the user to quickly assess the status of the analysis in automated operation.

Powerful 5-Step Flow Pressure, and Temperature Programs

The ability to set up these programs in up to 5 steps provides the necessary flexibility to completely optimize a chromatogram from a separation and run time standpoint. Increased productivity naturally follows.


User Interface and Microprocessor

•            Keypad labeled with parameter or function name and two line LCD provide for entry and monitoring of all GC conditions.

•            Ten battery backed up parameter files provide single keystroke setup of GC conditions.

•            Heater and Flow, Start Time, Stop Time, Flow Off Time, and Sleep times provide for conservation of power and carrier gas.

•            Lock feature secures keypad and prevents inadvertent parameter entry.

Column Oven

•            Temperature Range: Ambient+ 4°C to 450°C. -90° to 450°C with optional Cryogenic Work Attachment

•            Absolute Accuracy: ± 1 % per K from 4°C + above ambient to 450°C.

•            Maximum Non-Uniformity: Less than 2°C for coiled column of 20 cm in diameter

•            Stability: Less than ± 0.05°C

•            Temperature Variation Coefficient: ± 0.01 °C/°C

•            Overheat Protection: Two circuits: one freely set below 450°C; one fixed 470°C.

Temperature Programming

•            Temperature Setting: 1°C steps

•            Programming Rate; 0 to 100°C/min. in 0.1°C increments; may be set to positive or negative values.

•            Linear Temperature Profile: 40°C/min. up to 200°C

7°C/min. up to 450°C

•            Oven Cooling Time: 300°C to 50°C in 7 minutes

•            Maximum Run Time: 655 min,

•            Number of Ramps: 5 with initial time, programming rate, and final time

•            Column Compatibility:

Capillary columns with outer diameters from 0,2 mm to 1,0 mm:

Lengths up to 100 m on cages up to 250 mm (10") in diameter.

Metal columns with outer diameters of 2 mm, 3 mm, 1/8”, and 1/4"; and lengths up to 16 m.

Glass columns with outer diameter of 5 mm and length up to 6.0 m.

•            Usable Volume: 14,100 cm 3 (900 in 3 )

•            Dimensions: Width: 280 mm (11.2')

Height 280 mm (11.2")

Depth: 174 mm (6.9”)

•            Weight: 55 kg

injection Ports

Chassis will accommodate up to 2 independently temperature controlled injection modules. Operational range from ambient + 10°C to 450°C in 1°C increments.


•            Operational in Split, Split less, and Direct injection modes.

•            Built-in septum purge with needle valve control.

•            Enhanced design with graphite ferrule seal (no silicone o-ring) and flow septum purge reduces background noise and solvent peak tailing while minimizing sample contact with metal surfaces which lessens the pos­sibility of thermal breakdown.

•            Time programmable split less valve from 0,1 to 655 min.


•            Sample is injected to low-temperature column head to prevent explosive vaporization of the solvent

•            Rapid heating: Up to 450°C in 8 minutes.

•            Automatic injection with a dedicated syringe

Head Space

•            Temperature range: Ambient to 150°C

•            Sample vial: 20 mL

•            Number of vials: 40 max.

•            Injection volume: 0.1., 0.2, 0.4, or 0.8 mL_

Capillary/Packed Direct

•            Compatible with capillary columns from 0.53 mm to 0.75 mml.D.

n          Accepts packed columns 5 mm glass,1/8” metal, 2 mm metal, 3 mm metal, or 14” metal with appropriate adapter and insert.

•            Dual carrier gas inlets with septum purge injection ports prevents dead volume to minimize peak tailing and reduces septum bleed.

Flow Control Pneumatics

Advanced Flow Controller (AFC)

§           Provides for direct entry and control of carrier gas parameters from the keyboard including carrier pressure, column flow, carrier gas linear velocity, and split ratio.

•           Pressure Control Range: 0 to 400 kPa in 1 kPa increments

•            Pressure Control Accuracy: ±2% of full scale

•            Flow Control Range: 0 to 400 mL/min.

•            Flow Contra Accuracy: ± 2% of full scale.

•            Split Ratio Range (for split/splitless injection port): 0 to 400

•            Up to 5 pressure or flow program steps; each with initial value, time, rate, final value, and time.


Chassis will accommodate three independent temperature controlled detectors simultaneously. Operational range from ambient + 10°C to 450°C in 1°C increments. (Except for ECD)

•            Detector signal zero adjustment from the keyboard.

•            Signal Output: Analog -1 V to +11 V with range selection an all detectors except wide range FID,

Flame Ionization Detector (FID)

+           Two models available, Wide-Range and Standard Linear.

•            Fused silica flame jet for easy inspection and cleaning.

•            Push button automatic flame ignition.

•            Fused silica columns insert within 1 mm of the jet tip.

•            Sensitivity: 15 mCoul/g Garbon (nitrogen carrier).

•            Minimum Detectable Quantile: 5 pg/sec

•            High Speed Response Time Constant: 50 mS

•            Wide-Range FID: Single range dynamic linear output:10 7

•            Standard Linear FID: Dynamic range >10 7

Electron Capture Detector (ECD)

•            Constant current design with a 370MBq (10 mCi) source of 63 NI plated on a foil.

•            Operational with nitrogen or 95% argon/5% methane.

•            Minimum Detectable Quantity: 0.1 pg/sec lindane ( γ BHC)

+           Linear Dynamic Range: > 10"

Flame Thermionic (Nitrogen-Phosphorus) Detector (FTD)

•            Patented rhubidium-sulfate source heated by induction current.

•            Minimum Detectable Quantity: N < 0.4 pg N/sec for azobenzene

P < 0.05 pg P/sec for marathion

•            Dynamic Range: 10 4 for N and 10 3 for P

•            Selectivity: N: 25,000 gN/gC

P: 250,000 gP/gC

Flame Photometric Detector (FPD)

•            Phosphorus Mode: Sensitivity: 0.9 pg P/sec for DDVP Range: 10 4

Selectivity: 10 6 gP/gC

•            Sulfur Mode. Sensitivity: 20 pg S/sec for thiophene Range: 10 3

Selectivity: 10 5 gS/gC

•            Optional FID monitor available.

Micro-Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD-17)

•            Detector cell volume: 4 µL

•            Type: Two-filament, constant-current system

•            Operational temperature range: Up to 400°C

•            Sensitivity: 20,000 mV•mL/mg max.

External Event Relays and Heated Zones

•            Two Standard: 91, 92

•            Open/Close Capacity: 30 W max.

•            up to 8 Heated zones, including those for options.

Power Requirements

•            Power Consumption: 1800 VA

•            Line Voltage: 100, 115; 220, 230, or 240 V as ordered.

•            Frequency: 50/60 Hz


•            Temperature: 5°C to 40°C. Optimum 20°C.

•            Humidity: 5% to 90%. Optimum 50%

•            Heat Generation: 750 kcal/hr (3000 BTU/hr) at the maximum column

temperature (450°C)

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