
Sartorius Arium 611 VF

Seriennummer: 014053
Stato: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
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Maggiori Informazioni
Objektnummer B00014053
Seriennummer 014053
Nome oggetto Sartorius Arium 611 VF
Stato Archiv

Status, terms of delivery and payment

Verification of devices

The second-hand devices are verified by Labexchange Service GmbH before delivery. You are receiving only fully functional devices.

Dispatch time

The stated dispatch times are the shortest possible ones for each article. The effective dispatch times can vary. The effective dispatch times will be stated in the order confirmation.

As a matter of principle, we are offering collective deliveries. The shipping time is calculated based on the position with the longest lead time. A partial delivery is possible on explicit request.


Shipping methods

Parcel services, forwarding agencies, self-pickup, delivery by Labexchange fleet.


Delivery information

Prices exclude shipping costs. Stated shipping costs are to be expected. Deviations are possible. If transport costs are not specified, please ask separately for them.

The stated transport and packing charges apply to the most favorable route if transport and are to be understood as subject to verification due to unexpected cost increases. By reason of unpredictable events, cargo rates and delivery times can change at any time and therefore have to be adapted to the recent situation. Import formalities and possible customs charges will be borne by the purchaser. Incoterm coding according to Incoterms 2010: For persons who collect the devices themselves: EXW, for dipatch by sea: CFR, by air freight: CPT, other shipments: DAP. Note for international shipments: A proof of preference/EUR1 will not be issued by us. When self-collecting/ordering EXW from countries within or outside the European Union, 16% VAT will be retained as a deposit until we have received the corresponding confirmation of arrival/bill of delivery from the buyer.


Terms of payment

We do not accept payment by letter of credit, PayPal, etc. In each case the invoice amount is payable without deduction. Discount is not granted.


Possible payment methods



Payment by invoice, payment in advance, payment by credit card

Payment by invoice is only possible for corporate clients.


Payment by invoice, payment in advance, payment by credit card

Payment by invoice is only possible for corporate clients

Other countries

Payment in advance, payment by credit card



Our General Terms of Sale, Delivery and Payment are valid and are available for download here. 

The goods are offered subject to prior sale.


Definition of status

All articles are used articles, except an article is listed especially as a new device.




Immediately available

Used The article is fully functional and in impeccable condition. It can be shipped immediately.
In stock


The article is on stock. Our service technicians will verify the article before delivery. You are receiving only a fully functional article.



The article is still with the provider. After your order the article will be purchased and verified by us before being shipped to you. A certificate of operativeness as well as a service report are included in delivery.

New device


The article is brand new and unused. Regarding new equipment the guarantee/warranty conditions of the corresponding manufacturer apply.



Labprocure GmbH, as the advertiser, is responsible for the content of this device offer. Labprocure assumes liability for the offers advertised here and for the photos and offer texts included. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstraße 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:                  Sartorius

Modell:               Arium 611 VF



Nachfolgende Abbildungen und Beschreibungen sind modellbezogen und aus Prospekten entnommen.

Sie geben nicht den Lieferumfang des Systems wieder.

Den exakten Lieferumfang entnehmen Sie bitte aus dem Angebotstext.


Arium 611 VF



Das Wasseraufbereitungssystem Arium 611 VF wurde konzipiert, um pyrogenfreies, analysenreines Wasser mit einem geringen TOC-Wert zu erzeugen (Reinstwasser). Die Wasserqualität übersteigt die Anforderungen von ASTM Typ 1 und den NCCLS Typ 1 Normen. Das System verwendet ein Rei­nigungsverfahren mit Mischbettharzen und Aktivkohle in Kombination mit einer UV-Oxidation, ei­nem Ultrafilter-Modul und einem 0,2-Mikron-Endfilter, um das Speisewasser weiter aufzureinigen. Auf diese Weise wird pyrogenfreies Wasser (< 0,001 Eu/ml) mit geringem TOC-Wert (< 1 ppb) und einem spezifischen Widerstand von bis zu 18,2 MΩ x cm produziert. Der spezifische Wider­stand des Wassers wird ständig durch eine Messzelle überwacht und auf einem digitalen Display angezeigt.





Linke und rechte Tür des Arium 611 VF


Produktauslass mit 0,2-Mikron-Endfilter und Füllglocke


Display und Bedienfeld


Griffmulde zum Öffnen der rechten Tür


Entnahmehebel zum Öffnen und Schließen des Produktauslassventils (in geöffneter Position)


Ausgang für eine entfernt angebrachte Display-/Entnahmeeinheit oder einem Dispenser


15-polige Sub-D-Buchse zum Anschluss einer entfernt angebrachten Display-/Entnahmeeinheit


Auslass für das Spülwasser








9-polige Sub-D-Buchse zum Anschluss eines Druckers


Buchse für den Trockenlaufschutz der Pumpe


Einlass für das Speisewasser


Technische Daten

Abmessungen B x T x H               43,2 x 48,3 x 34,3 [cm]

Leergewicht                                15,9 kg

Betriebsgewicht                          23,6 kg

erforderliche Abstände                 seitlich: 10 cm Mindestabstand für Kabel- und Schlauchanschlüsse 

                                                 vorn: 40 cm Mindestabstand zum Öffnen der Türen

Anforderungen an das                 Notwendige Notbehandlung durch:

Speisewasser                             - Destillation,

                                                - Deionisierung oder

                                                - Umkehrosmose

                                                   Destilliertes Wasser:    > 250 KΩ.cm (< 4 µS/cm)

                                                   RO-Wasser:                 TDS < 25 ppm CaCO3, > 20 KΩ-cm (< 50 µS/cm)

                                                   DI-Qualität:                    TDS < 10 ppm CaCO3, > 50 KΩ-cm (< 20 µS/cm),

                                                                                          Trübung < 1 N.T.U ,

                                                                                          Silika < 1000 ppb,

                                                                                          TOC < 1000 ppb

                                                    Druck:                           vom drucklosen Tankzulauf bis zu einem maximalen Eingangsdruck von 7 bar

Produktwasser                               Qualität des

                                                    gereinigten Wassers:   18,2 MΩ•cm bei 25 °C RNase-/DNase-/DNA-frei

                                                    Bakterienanteil:             < 1 CFU/100 mi

                                                    TOC-Wert:                    < 1 ppb

                                                    Endotoxin-Gehalt:         < 0,001 Eu/ml

Durchflussleistung                          bis zu 1,5 l/min bei einem Mindesteingangsdruck des Speisewassers von 2,0 bar (bei 50 Hz und neuem Endfilter)

Umgebungsbedingungen                 Betrieb:                         5 °C ... 28 °C bei 80 % relativer

                                                                                          Luftfeuchtigkeit, nicht kondensierend

                                                    Lagerung:                      5 °C ... 45 °C bei 80 % relativer

                                                                                          Luftfeuchtigkeit, nicht kondensierend

Stromversorgung                           240 V—, 50/60 Hz, 1 Phase

Sicherung Netzeingang                   2 Schmelzsicherungen 5 x 20 mm, tröge, 250 V, 1 A

                                                    Installationskategorie 11 (Überspannung) gemäß IEC 664, Verschmutzungsgrad 2 gemäß IEC 664.

                                                    Höhengrenze: 5.000 Meter.

erfüllte Richtlinien                         EMV:                             EN 50081 -1, EN 50082-1

                                                   Sicherheit:                     IEC 1010-1-92


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