
Micromeritics FlowSorb II2300

Seriennummer: 014687
Stato: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Micromeritics Measuring instrument FlowSorb II 2300. BET. DIN 66131. Module Automate 23 and Desorb 2300A.
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Objektnummer B00014687
Seriennummer 014687
Nome oggetto Micromeritics FlowSorb II2300
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Labprocure GmbH, as the advertiser, is responsible for the content of this device offer. Labprocure assumes liability for the offers advertised here and for the photos and offer texts included. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstraße 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:                Micrometrics

Modell:              FlowSorb II2300

Kommentar:      Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.


The FlowSorb II2300 provides single­point, multi-point, full adsorption and desorption isotherms and pore volume capabilities with Speed, accuracy and rehability. Samples from 0.01 M 2 /g to over 1,000 M 2 /grn for surface area analy­sis and 0.005 cc to 0.3 cc total pore volume are easily accommodated. Its reproducibility is better than 0.5%.

The advanced electronics are the most modern analog and digital cir­cuitry available and have been Chosen for reliabifity, low noise and precision. The thermal conductivity detector is temperature-regulated to reduce temperature-induced drift and there­fore, erroneous results.

Initial instrument warm-up takes approximately 10 to 20 minutes. Single injection calibration provides fast start­up and high sample throughput.

Specially designed sample holders can be attached and removed from the instrument with one hand. These quick connect/disconnects have a built-in shut-off valve to prevent sample contamination.

Dewar support latch System provides one-hand convenience and safety from dangerous liquid nitrogen spills.

Simple in design, the FlowSorb 11 2300 requires minimal training time and leaves little Chance for operator error. With no parts which move dunng analysis, repair time is practically eliminated.

Automatic mode switching for adsorption and desorption is accom­plished without further operator atten­tion by Dewar support placement.

The low purchase price and supplies makes this instrument the lowest cost way of measuring surface area or pore volume an a per-sample-run basis.


•            Full adsorption and desorption isotherms.

•            Ultra-stable detector eliminates drift and need for constant readjustment.

•            Cold trag in front vs. side placement, as in other Instruments, avoids breakage.

•            Single injection calibration requires only one control setting. Adaptable to any non-corrosive adsorbate mix.

•            All controls and displays are at eye/ arm level, out of spül zone.

•            Built-in sample preparation.

•            Rugged construction for day-in, day­out Operation.


•            Separate preparation device (DeSorb 2300A) for high throughput.

•            5 different types of sample tubes including monolith type for large Samples.

•            Flow Controller for operator adjustable gas mixtures.

•            Data reduction Software for Computer aided calculation of:

—         Surface area (multi-point)

—         Slope

—         Intercept

—         Hegt of adsorption

—         Total adsorbed volume by B.E.T. and / or Langmuir, T-plots.



Minimum Surface

Area:                              0.1 M 2

Maximum Surface

Area:                              280 M 2

Minimum Specific

Surface Area:                 Approx. 0.01 m 2 /g

Maximum Specific

Surface Area:                 Limited only by weighing accuracy of
smallest sample

Minimum Total Pore

Volume:                          0.005 cm 3

Maximum Total Pore    Limited only be weighing accuracy of Volume:

                                      smallest sample

Sample Holder

Volume:                          4.8 cm 3 ; other sizes available


   Single-Point:               Typically 5/h

   Multi - Point:                Typically 1/2h

   Total Pore Volume:    Typically 2/hr


Temperature:                 35-400°C


Sample Holder:              Borosilicate glass, usable to 400° C

Internal Components:   Type 316 stainless steel, chrome plated brass, copper, Buna-N


Dimensions:                  46.5W x 53H x 30.5D cm

                                      (18.3W x 20.9H x 12D in.)

Color:                             Beige with brown panel and rust highlights

Weight:                          19 kg (42 lbs)


Accommodates to standard power mains worldwide.

Voltage:                          100, 120, 220 or 240 VAC ±10%

Current:                          1.4 A (100/120 VAC);

                                      0.8 A (220/240 VAC)

Frequency:                     50/60 Hz

Gas:                               Mixtures, with helium, of nitrogen, argon, krypton, carbon dioxide, ethane, n-butane, and other non­corrosive gases. A mixture of 30% N2 and 70% He is recommended for sin­gle point analyses. Mixtures of He and approximately 5,12,18, and 247. N2 are suggested for multipoint use.

         A mixture of 95% N2 and 5% He is recommended for total pore volume measurements.

Coolant:                         Liquid nitrogen or Oxygen, solvent slush baths, ice water as appropriate for adsorbate.


Low Specific Surfaces:Typically better than ±3%. (single point method) and ±2% (multipoint method) with reproducibility within ±0.5%

Moderate and High      Typically better than ±2% (single

Specific Surfaces:         point method) and ±1.5% (multi­point method) with reproducibility within ± 0.5%

Total Pore Volume:     Typically better than ± 3%


Temperature:                 15-30 °C (59-90 °F) operating; 0-5 0°C (32-122 °F) storing and


Humidity:                        20-80% relative (non-condensing)

DeSorb 2300A


•            Dramatically increases sam­ple throughput

•            Samples remain pure dur­ing transfer

•            Economical, yet rugged in construction

Throughput Increases Dramatically

The DeSorb 2300A is a three­station outgassing unit de­signed to significantly increase the number of samples that can be analyzed by the FlowSorb 2300 particle analyzer. In fact, the DeSorb 2300A increases the sample throughput of the FlowSorb by as muck as 300 percent. Whether a sample re­quires twenty minutes to Begas or four hours, the three outgas‑

ing ports on the DeSorb —2300A maximizes sample throughput thereby reducing backlog.

Most samples completely de-gas in 15 to 20 minutes at 200 to 250°C. This means the DeSorb-FlowSorb pair Gould process between 70 and 80 samples per day analyzing single-point surface areas of 25 m2/g or less. Even if you are performing multipoint analysis on surface areas of 500 m2/g, and outgassing for four hours, you can increase throughput to eight samples per day with the DeSorb-FlowSorb pair.

A Simplified Outgassing Process

Operation of the DeSorb 23OOA is quite simple and very reliable. The sample is heated to drive off moisture and other impurities from its surface while a constantly flowing inert gas sweeps away the liberated impurities.

Heating the sample is easy. Heating mantles, construced with nickel wiring for depend-

ability, are slipped around the sample tubes. The Operator simply preselects the tempera‑

ture with a digital thumbpot. The temperature is maintained by a time sharing proportional control circuit, accurate to within ± 5°C from 35 to 250°C and within ± 10°C from 250 to 400°C. Maximum temperature of outgassing is 400°C.

The inert gas used to clean the sample : must have a dew point of at least –67°C to minimize the introduction of moisture. The most widely used gasses are nitrogen and helium. Located above each sample tube Sta­tion are LED displays indicating when the inert gas is flowing at the appropriate rate, normally 15 to 20 cm 3 per minute.

Unique Design Prevents Contamination

Transferring the degassed samples to the FlowSorb for analysis takes a matter of seconds. The sample tube is attached or re­moved from the Instrument with one hand. Specially designed sample tube connectors engage built-in shut-off valves to prevent sample contamination during transfer. Up to three samples can be concurrently degassed, and any one can be removed and replaced at any time without disturbing the others.

Quality Engineering

State-of-the-art electronic and mechanical components are used in the design and con­struction of the DeSorb 2300A. It has been engineered to endure mang years of heavy use. Sintered stainless steel restrictors control the gas flow. Sophisticated digital circuitry en­sures the highest accuracy.

The DeSorb 2300A is designed to include all the features you need at a price to fit you­budget. Whether you are performing researc.- or quality control, the DeSorb 2300A is cost­efficient without compromise.



46.5W x 53H x 30.5D cm

(18.3W x 20.9H x 12D in)


15.4kg (34 lbs.)


Uses Standard power mains worldwide; 100, 120, 220, or 240 VAC ± 10%; 50/60 Hz; 1.3.P., (100/120 VAC); 0.7A (220/240 VAC).

Purge Gas:

Nitrogen, helium, or nitrogen-helium mixture: Research-grade recommended. If these are not available, a gas having a dew point of at least -67°C (-88°F) should be used.

AutoMate 23

Automatic Operation

Provides automatic control of adsorption and desorption operations by raising and lowering the liquid nitrogen Dewar and causing the display to read total surface area when the analysis is completed. This increases ef­ficiency and throughput while decreasing the amount of operator Interven­tion.

Rapid and Efficient Analysis

Provides continuous operation without Interruption of analysis due to operator involvement in other activities.

Consistent Results  

Provides accurate and repeatable results, as analyses are performed automatically and in the saure manner.

Convenient Status Indicators

Provides reduction in the amount of time between analysis, as both audible and visible signals indicate when an analysis is complete.

One-Step Analysis Interrupt

Provides quick and easy discontinuation of an analysis at any point during the analysis process and automatically resets for a subsequent analysis. This results in improved efficiency.

Easy Installation

Permits quick and easy setup for automatic analyses or removal for manual analyses.


The AutoMate 23, Micromeritics" new attachment for the FlowSorb II 2300 Surface Area Analyzer, automates the analysis process. The AutoMate consists basically of an automatically-operated Dewar elevator, an automatic fan with Output directed toward the sample tube, and specially designed electronics which detect and regulate analysis operations. It is designed such that it mounts easily onto the Micromeritics FlowSorb II2300.

The AutoMate eliminates the need for the operator to perform several manual operations: applying a Dewar of liquid nitrogen to the sample to induce adsorption; removing the Dewar following adsorption; and warming the sample to induce desorption. During the analysis, the AutoMate raises the Dewar of liquid nitrogen about the sample being analyzed. This results in nitrogen being adsorbed. This nitrogen adsorption is automatically detected and monitored by the AutoMate until adsorption is complete. At this point, the AutoMate automatically lowers the Dewar, and directs a vigorous stream of air toward the sample tube. This results in desorption. The AutoMate then monitors the desorption process and indicates when desorption is complete. The operator simply records the result displayed an the FlowSorb II.

Surface area analysis with the AutoMate installed only requires the operator to prepare the sample for analysis_ properly, to activate the AutoMate, and to record the analysis result when the AutoMate indicates (with both audib- —II, and visible indicators) that analysis is complete. Once analysis is complete, the operator can either install a new sample for analysis, repeat the analysis of the saure sample, or continue the analysis using a different gas composi­tion. Neither operator Intervention nor Observation is required during analysis.


Operating Modes:   Short Path and Long Path. As a qualitative guide for sample analysis with the FlowSorb II2300, use the smallest appropriate quantity of sample. A sample with a total surface area of less than 10m 2 should be analyzed in the skort path mode and a sample with a greater total surface area should be analyzed in the long path mode.

Sample:                 Any sample that can be analyzed with the FlowSorb II2300 using standard sample tubes and the standard procedure, i.e., warming by water immer­sion, can be analyzed with the AutoMate 23.

Voltage:                   100, 120, 220 or 240 VAC ± 10%

Current:                   0.5A (100/120 VAC); 0.25A (220/240 VAC)

Frequency:              50/60 Hz

Temperaturei          15-32 °C (59-90 °F) operating; 0-50 °C (32-122 °F) storing and shipping.

1-lumidity-.              20-80% relative (non-condensing)

Dimensions:           11.5W x 22.2H x 26L cm (4.5W x 8.75H x 10.24L in.)

Weight:                   4.1 kg (9 lbs)

Gruppo prodotti: Analizzatore Parametri Specifici

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