
Dr.Lange LXG 162

Seriennummer: 008422
Stato: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Dr.Lange Multi + BSB LYW 996. Con il sensore BOD Multi-plus BOD 162. LXG. Termostato Dry LT 100-1. Anno: 1997 Prezzo originale: 2.403, -Euro.
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Maggiori Informazioni
Objektnummer B00008422
Seriennummer 008422
Nome oggetto Dr.Lange LXG 162
Stato Archiv

Status, terms of delivery and payment

Verification of devices

The second-hand devices are verified by Labexchange Service GmbH before delivery. You are receiving only fully functional devices.

Dispatch time

The stated dispatch times are the shortest possible ones for each article. The effective dispatch times can vary. The effective dispatch times will be stated in the order confirmation.

As a matter of principle, we are offering collective deliveries. The shipping time is calculated based on the position with the longest lead time. A partial delivery is possible on explicit request.


Shipping methods

Parcel services, forwarding agencies, self-pickup, delivery by Labexchange fleet.


Delivery information

Prices exclude shipping costs. Stated shipping costs are to be expected. Deviations are possible. If transport costs are not specified, please ask separately for them.

The stated transport and packing charges apply to the most favorable route if transport and are to be understood as subject to verification due to unexpected cost increases. By reason of unpredictable events, cargo rates and delivery times can change at any time and therefore have to be adapted to the recent situation. Import formalities and possible customs charges will be borne by the purchaser. Incoterm coding according to Incoterms 2010: For persons who collect the devices themselves: EXW, for dipatch by sea: CFR, by air freight: CPT, other shipments: DAP. Note for international shipments: A proof of preference/EUR1 will not be issued by us. When self-collecting/ordering EXW from countries within or outside the European Union, 16% VAT will be retained as a deposit until we have received the corresponding confirmation of arrival/bill of delivery from the buyer.


Terms of payment

We do not accept payment by letter of credit, PayPal, etc. In each case the invoice amount is payable without deduction. Discount is not granted.


Possible payment methods



Payment by invoice, payment in advance, payment by credit card

Payment by invoice is only possible for corporate clients.


Payment by invoice, payment in advance, payment by credit card

Payment by invoice is only possible for corporate clients

Other countries

Payment in advance, payment by credit card



Our General Terms of Sale, Delivery and Payment are valid and are available for download here. 

The goods are offered subject to prior sale.


Definition of status

All articles are used articles, except an article is listed especially as a new device.




Immediately available

Used The article is fully functional and in impeccable condition. It can be shipped immediately.
In stock


The article is on stock. Our service technicians will verify the article before delivery. You are receiving only a fully functional article.



The article is still with the provider. After your order the article will be purchased and verified by us before being shipped to you. A certificate of operativeness as well as a service report are included in delivery.

New device


The article is brand new and unused. Regarding new equipment the guarantee/warranty conditions of the corresponding manufacturer apply.



Labprocure GmbH, as the advertiser, is responsible for the content of this device offer. Labprocure assumes liability for the offers advertised here and for the photos and offer texts included. Labprocure GmbH, Bruckstraße 58, 72393 Burladingen.

Firma:              Dr.Lange

Modell:                         LXG 162

Kommentar:     Dokumente dt.

ECM SensorBSB: schnelle BSB-Messung mit sicherer Aussagen

Die innovative Technologie für die schnelle BSB-Bestimmung, das SensorBSB-Verfahren, ist weiter verbessert und optimiert worden. Im Gegensatz zu herkömmlichen Messverfahren steht Ihnen der BSB-Wert dank des neuartigen Biosensors bereits nach maximal 75 Minuten zur Verfügung - inkl. Probenvorbereitung! Erst die schnelle Aussage des SensorBSB ermöglicht Ihnen eine praktische Nutzung der Messwerte, z. 6. zur Steuerung von Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen oder zur Überwa­chung von Teliströmen.

Das ECM SensorBSB System besteht aus folgenden Komponenten:

Analysenmodul                                   Auswerteeinheit                                 Thermostat

ECM SensorBSB Einheit                  ECM Multi plus BSR                        LT 100

mit Biosensor, Rühr- und                       ebenfalls geeignet für die                        zum Aufschluss der Temperiermodul                                                             Bestimmung von pH, LF, 02                 Makromoleküle­

                                                            und Redoxpotential                               durch   Hydrolyse                                 bei

                                                                                                                       100 °C oder 148 °C

Das SensorBSB-Verfahren stellt die schnelle und preiswerte Alternative zu den konventionellen Messmethoden dar. Arbeits- und Zeitaufwand sind wesentlich geringer, aufwendige Arbeiten wie das Spülen der Flaschen, das Ansetzen von drei Verdünnungsstufen in doppeltem Ansatz etc. entfallen. Vergleichsmessungen haben eine gute Übereinstimmung der Messergebnisse von BSB 5 und SensorBSB ergeben.



Bestimmung des sofort verfügbaren BSB

Kontrolle von Zu- und Ablauf alterna­tiv zum BSB 5

Aufnahme von Tages- oder Wochen­profiler

Überprüfung der Leistung bei Um-und Neubau von Klärwerken


Kontrolle des Ablaufes

Überprüfung des BSB bei Ferti­gungsprozessen

Screening für DIN-Analysen

Glucosebestimmungen mit Glucose­oxid ase-Sensor


Abbauverhalten von Chemikalien

Untersuchung mikrobieller Atmungs­aktivitäten

Messprinzip:           Verdünnungsmethode

Messbereich:          1-500 mg/L SensorBSB

Die spezifischen technischen Innova­tionen für jedes ECM-Gerät zeigen sich Detail für Detail:

Auto-Funktionen: zeitgesteuerte Messungen aller oder ausgewählter Parameter, „online“

Scroll:                                                                                     schnelles Anzeigen aller Meßgrößen

Edit: Einzeldarstellung der Meßwerte aus dem Meßwertspeicher, Ausdruck bzw. Löschen

individuelle Kalibrierung: Auswahl zwischen verschiedenen Lösungen

Autoread: automatische Driftkontrolle für stabile und reproduzierbare Meßwerte

Kenngrößenermittlung: Anzeige von Asymmetrie­potential und Steilheit sowie blinkendes Displaybei Mängeln (Meßkette oder Pufterlösungen)

automatische Geräteabschaltung: energiesparender Betrieb

SensorBSB: die schnelle BSB-Bestimmung als Alter­native zum BSB 5 oder

für den sofort verfügbaren BSB

Gruppo prodotti: BOD/COD

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