
Varian HPLC

Numéro d'identification: 011658
Statut: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Varian Unité HPLC. Pompe gradient 230. Autosampler avec Four de colonne 410. Detecteur UV 320. Software. 2 Canals Interface. A.c.: 2002.
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Objektnummer B00011658
Numéro d'identification 011658
Nom de l'objet Varian HPLC
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Firma:              Varian

Modell:            HPLC

Kommentar:    Dokumente engl. (für IDNR 11658)

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representating the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

ProStar 220/230/240 Ternary Solvent Delivery Module

The ProStar 220, 230 and 240 Solvent Delivery Modules are stand-alone modular units that feature a reciprocating single piston pump. The module can, however, be integrated into an HPLC System controlled remotely by the Star Chromatography Workstation, with the LC Control Software Option. Integrated system installation and Operation is described in the Workstation Operator's Manual.

The single piston pump, coupled with efficient pulse damping hardware, delivers flow in a linear dynamic range of 10 µL/min to 10 mL/min. Proportioned delivery of multiple solvents can be achieved by the 230 and 240 pumps. The 220 is designed for isocratic (single solvent) applications only.

All controls for setting pump operating conditions and building methods are located on the front panel below a 2-line, 40-character display. Signal cable and power line connections are made on the rear panel.

All pump and method building parameters are pre-defined and stored in memory. values and options for each field are selected with the INCREASE and DECREASE keys and become a part of the method when the cursor leaves the field. Under this system of field entry, no illegal entries are possible.

Choose the 220 (Isocratic), 230 (Ternary) or 240 (Quaternary) best suited to your laboratory's needs. All of these models feature a patented pump design that offers unequaled reliability and ease of use.


·          Time and money saved - Neither vacuum degassing nor helium sparging are needed.

·          Pump cavitation eliminated - Patented pump design features exclusive mechanical inlet valve, rapid fill stroke, and high pressure mixing.

·          Over 99% uptime achieved - Maintenance or repair rarely needed. Pump stroke counter allows scheduling of routine maintenance.

·          Extremely easy routine maintenance - With multilevel diagnostics and accessible components, pumps can be overhauled in less than 30 minutes.

Peak Performance

·             Gradient pumps offer selectable one-, two-, or four-stroke proportioning is available to optimize gradient precision on long, shallow gradients while minimizing gradient delay volume on steep, fast gradients.

·             Reliable results - Intelligent design, including electronic flow and in-line, high-speed proportioning valves, assures accurate and reproducible results.

·             GLP compliance - Run-and-error logs maintain a complete audit trail of operating parameters, set points, errors, and faults.

       Built-in automations - Up to five methods can be built and stored at the pump. Choose the appropriate method with a single keystroke.

410 HPLC AutoSampler

With variable injection volumes and automixing/autodiluting, the ProStar 410 is perfect for laboratories with changing needs. It provides flexible operation without sacrificing reliability or performance.


·        Multiple injection modes offer flexibility, ease of use, and precision. Choose from:

o       Full loop fill - overfills the sample loop for maximum precision.

o       Partial loop fill - allows you to easily program variable injection volumes.

o       Microliter pickup - withdraws the exact amount to be injected without sample loss.

·        Sample trays are available in three configurations: 96 standard 2-mL vials; 84 standard 2-mL vials plus three 10-mL vials used for mix solvents; or 24 10-mL vials for large injection volumes. These trays can be interchanged in under a minute.

·        Internal standard addition, sample dilution, or derivatization steps are easily programmed to reduce sample preparation time and errors associated with manual procedures.

1.      Needle Arm

2.      Injection valve

3.      Oven compartment

4.      Tubing guide

5.      Wash position

6.      Position for transport solvent and reagent vials

7.      Vial wash drain

8.      Condensed water and leakage drain

9.      Tray fixation knob

10.    Sample tray

11.    Syringe dispenser

12.    Keyboard

Syringe Waste

Place the syringe waste tubing into a small bottle next to the ProStar 410. If no injection volumes are programmed that are larger than the buffer tubing can contain, the syringe waste will only be wash solvent.

Condensation Water and Leakage Drain

All solvents that result from a leak in the system and condensed water, in case a peltier cool option is installed, is drained through the left hand hose connector.

If the optional peltier tray cooling is installed, it is advisable to connect this hose connector (in the accessory kit of the ProStar 410) to a waste container on the floor.

ProStar 320 UV/VIS Detector

The ProStar 320 UV/Vis Detector can be operated as a stand-alone HPLC detector or can be integrated into a Liquid Chromatography System controlled remotely by the Star Workstation. The detector wavelength and absorbance parameters are changed by front panel keys. Time programming is available through the Star Workstation.

Simultaneous analytical and preparative scale detection is possible with patented, extended range flow cell design of the ProStar 320. As sample flows through the dual pathlength flow cell, the detector automatically selects the correct light path to measure, optimally scaling the sample absorbance while preserving linearity.

·        Wavelength range: 190 to 700 nm

·        Light source: Xenon flashlamp

·        Wavelength accuracy: ±1.0 nm

·        Wavelength precision: ±0.1 nm

·        Absorbance range: 5 x 10 -4 to 20 AU

·        Noise: ±2 x 10 -5 AU at 230 nm

·        Drift: <3 x 10 -5 AU/hr

·        Dimensions: 5.8 in./14.7 cm (h) x 11.5 in./29.2 cm (w) x 18.3 in./46.4 cm (d)

·        Weight: 22 lb/10 kg

Features of the ProStar 320 Detector are:

•     Stackable Module

•     Easily interchangeable flowcells

•     Simple lamp replacement performed by the user.

•     Can be controlled remotely by the Star Workstation.

Intended for analytical and preparative analysis. The preparative range is to an equivalent of greater than 20 AU for a standard 10mm flowcell. The analytical range is typically <2AU.

The flashing cursors indicate that the wavelength can be set, in the range 190-700 nm.

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