
Unicam 701

Numéro d'identification: 011401
Statut: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Unicam Spectromètre ICP 701. A.c.: 1993. Avec Sample Changer et Logiciel 701 Operating.
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Objektnummer B00011401
Numéro d'identification 011401
Nom de l'objet Unicam 701
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Firma:              Unicam

Modell:            701

Kommentar:    Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representating the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

At Unicam our principal goal is to respond to your analytical needs. Systems are continually developed to provide your, the analyst, with the performance, flexibility and problem-solving ability needed to tackle even the most difficult multi-element analysis.

The new UNICAM 701 Series ICP Systems represent a third evolution of our original PU7000 concept which has proven the echelle principle so successfully around the world in many different applications areas. With its unmatched high resolution spectrometer, the 701 series continues to lead the field with its unipue combination of:

-           Exceptional analytical perforrnance

-           Outstanding speed of analysis

-           Economy of operation

-           Powerful date handling software

-           Total auternation capability

-           Ease of use

And if your analytical requirements change in the future, so can your 701 series system by adding another option or extra software. Our philosophy is also to ensure that older systems can be updated to the latest specification at the minimum cost.

Excellence in optical design is the result of carefully optimising those parameters which have the most impact on the emission performance.

-           High resolution

-           High energy throughput

-           On-peek measurement

-           Speed and accuracy

-           Flexibility and range

-           Stability and reliability

The 701 Series spectrometer is based on a compact, high resolution echelle monochromator which achieves all of these things. Its outstanding 0,0075 nm resolution helps to minimise spectral interferences and simplifies method development by permitting the widest choice of usable analytical lines.

A rapid, on-peak measurement system ensures accurate peak wavelength location and precise measurements, right down to the detection limit. With no scanning time required, fast operation at rates up to 20 elements in 40 seconds is possible. The end result is less time spent measuring than other instruments and less cost, because the system operates for much shorter periods to carry out the same analysis.

An economical low-flow purge option and dual detectors enable high sensitivity results to be obtained over the whole wavelength range. High energy throughput and low stray light stem from the unique design of its echelle optics.

Fixed optical components and an automatic alignment check procedure guarantee reliable and stable performance over the instrument lifetime.

There is no single type of elementel analysis or sample and, therefore, the plasma source must be flexible enough to deal with any application, today and in the future

-           40.68 MHz RF generator

-           Free-running design

-           Widest range of plasma conditions

-           Choice of sample introduction type

-           Rapid changeover between options

-           Stable performance

The reliable, free-running RF generator operates at the industry standard 40.68 MHz frequency. With no moving parts, it responds instantly to any changes in plasma condition. lt also permits total flexibility in plasma conditions, from high flow/power to low flow/power: all with the standard source configuration. All plasma parameters and the automatic ignition sequence are under computer control for day-to-day reproducibility.

Rapidly interchangeable torch/spray chamber combinations mean whatever the sample - high solids, corrosive acid, aqueous or organic solvent - there is always the right option for the analysis. Choose from the universal grid nebuliser for most solutions, the V-groove for particulates and organics or the CETAC Ultrasonic nebuliser for the best detection limits.

Measurement stability is assured by the well-regulated power supply and the balanced flow spray chamber. A built-in multi-channel peristaltic pump with individually adjustable cassettes maintains a constant sample supply and permits continuous flow hydride generation für elements Iike arsenic.

The powerful 707 Series software is the kev to the superb functionality of the system and makes the analyst's task so much easier

-           Total system control frlm the PC

-           Numeraus method development aids

-           Full set of correction factors

-           Complete methods and results storage

-           Customised report generation

-           Total automation via Macros

There are no manual controls, a single PC keyboard controls the whole system. Routine procedures can all be accessed by single keystrokes. Wich the choice of a 286- to 486-based PC, the user has easy storage and instant recall of a large number of complete analytical programs.

The 220 spectral line Resident Library can be customised by adding extra lines. A 30,000 line Interference Library enables interfering lines to be identified before compiling an analytical method. Wavelength profiling and overlay of up to 6 profiles in colour simplifies method development and problem solving.

A full range of correction factors are part of the comprehensive date processing package. Check and QC standards can monitor drift while Standard Additions and Spike recovery calculations are just some of the means to ensure accurate results.

Results can be selected and combined for reporting to user-specified formats or transferred to other software programs for even more customisation.

Finally, user programming (Macros) can automate any analysis or procedure and, therefore, release analysts for more profitable tasks.

System flexibility is enhanced by selecting from a number of accessoiries in order to complete a total vvorking ICP package.

-           Choice of autosamplers

-           Hydride analysis

-           Water recirculationchiller

-           Choice of printers

-           Consumables service

-           Customer Support functions

A Gilson 221 autosampler interfaces with the system to provide fully automated analysis of up to 60 samples. With the larger Gilson 222 unit 240 sarnples can be accommodated and a range of different racks and cup volumes ensures all situations can be caterad for.

The simple hydride accessory combines with the on-board peristaltic pump to carry out continuous flow analysis for arsenic, selenium etc and yield improved detection limits.

With the expense of vvater cooling and potential problems due to time scaling, a closed circuit vvater circulator attached to the ICP system can save money and prevent costly blockages in the waterways.

Hard copy of results and full reports is possible with an optional Epson dot matrix printer. For higher quality monochrome printouts and colour graphics dumps, alternative HP printers can be supplied.

A full ringe of ICP consumables is available through our REFLEX operation to complete the ICP package. In addition, Customer Support agreements covering both the hardware and software are available in many countries to ensure all users can make the most of their instrumentation.

Groupe de produits: Systèmes ICP

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