
Thermo electron Trace 2000

Numéro d'identification: 018346
Statut: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Thermo Electron GC Trace 2000. Autoinjecteur AI-3000 avec tray pour 8 tests. Split/splitless. ECD. Appareil 1-canal. DPFC 1000 kPa. Logiciel Chrom Quest 4.1. 230 V. 50 Hz. GC pour colonnes de capillaire. AC 2005.
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Objektnummer B00018346
Numéro d'identification 018346
Nom de l'objet Thermo electron Trace 2000
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manufacturer :       Thermo Electron

model :                   Trace 2000

annotation :           Dokumente engl.






The continuing convergence of science and business has created the need for a new generation of GC instrumentation, a complete analytical environment that delivers more accurate results, rapidly increases lab productivity, and efficiently manages data, all at a low

cost of ownership.


TRACE GC is the reference model for the new generation of Separation technology. By incorporating "best of breed" hardware, software, automation and sample preparation techniques from a proven history of innovation in GC instrumentation, TRACE GC makes the accuracy of research-caliber GC affordable and easy to use for all Labs, including   commercial, research, production and QC.


Manufactured in the U.S.A. and Europe by ThermoFinnigan (formerly Carlo Erba Instruments), the TRACE GC environment starts with a reliable hardware platform that will meet current requirements and can be reconfigured in just minutes for any future needs. Offering an industry-standard user interface configuration, TRAGE GC facilitates a rapid learning curve. In addition, the system's control software and data handling can enhance the performance of GCs supplied by other manufacturers.


While it is easy to learn and integrate with existing lab operations, the TRAGE GC also offers new generation innovations and esse of use features that improve the quality of results, while boosting overall lab productivity.


High quality resuits

The   most complete range of proven injectors are fully integrated with system software to deliver research-level accuracy in an easy-to-use package. Injector options include our industry-leading cold on-column inlet design that eliminates sample discrimination, decomposition and loss of efficiency. Also available are an optimized-geometry split/splitless injector, a brightly enhanced sample transfer (BEST) PTV injector and a packed and wide bore column injector.


Rapid analysis

A rapid heating and cooling column oven provides faster analysis time while still preserving

unrivalled column temperature stability. Other throughput perfections, such as in-vial extraction and large volume cold on-column injection, dramatically shorten total analysis time. A unique, dedicated software solution eliminates the time- consuming process of calculating kinetics, temperatures and pressures, therefore making die benefits of this technique also available to QC labs.


Sensitivity and productivity

Achieve higher lab productivity without sacrificing accuracy. The TRACE GC environment is the first fully automated solution that extends system sensitivity through true cold on-column injection of sample sizes as large as 2500. Using in-vial extraction, on-column, large volume injection can also cut sample preparation time from hours to just a few minutes while significantly lowering solvent costs and remaining environmentally friendly.


Easy to use

An industry-standard control panel layout reduces training requirements while smart

system keys enable analysts to effortlessly handle increased sample throughput - leak tests, column optimization, real-time programming with auto start, and control of all flows. The gas saver is handled with easy, fingertip control.



A wide range of modular, automated sample preparation and injection systems help reduce cost per analysis and increase productivity to levels previously unachievable. In addition to liquid and headspace autosamplers, the TRACE GC provides automated analysis with thermal desorption and Purge-and-Trap concentrators.


Open Lab concept - ChromQuest TM , a new 32-bit chromatography software package, has been developed specifically to be the ideal companion of TRAGE GC. Operating in a Windows NT TM environment, ChromQuest represents the most flexible multi-technique chromatography software system available. The power of ChromQuest expands laboratory capabilities, bringing together the tools to accommodate existing systems, additional users and new locations - a true open lab system.


Service and support

ThermoFinnigan's service philosophy reflects customers" stated needs for rapid problem solutions and enhanced support capabilities. TRAGE GC's remote diagnostic capabilities enable our factory engineers to diagnose system faults via modern. QuestCare TM , our service, support and training solution, is available to assist today's labs to meet their needs of productivity and profits.


TRACE GC incorporates a wide range of innovations that make high quality analysis more accessible than ever before. The widest selection of modular inlets provides injection techniques best suited to each application. The accuracy and precision of the results are assured by incorporating more than forty years of recognized innovations in inlet technology into the TRACE GC injector designs.

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