
New Brunswick Galaxy

Numéro d'identification: 020166
Statut: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
New Brunswick Incubateur C02 Galaxy 170R. Max 50°C. Gamme C02: 0,2-20%. Dimensions intérieures: 693x540x451mm. 170 L. Porte verre supplémentaire. Interface RS-232. 4 introduits (extensible à 8). Grand écran LCD pour le réglage et la lecture de tous les paramètres importants. 120-240 V. 50/60 Hz. 500 W. Signe CE. Garantie 1 an. L état neuf
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Objektnummer B00020166
Numéro d'identification 020166
Nom de l'objet New Brunswick Galaxy
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manufacturer :       New Brunswick

model :                   Galaxy 170 R

annotation :           Dokumente engl .









Since 1991, Galaxy CO ² incubators have offered researchers and clinical labs a reliable and user-friendly system for culturing cells.


Now, the Galaxy line has been improved to offer even more standard features, better performance and a wider range of options.


Galaxy CO 2 Incubators were originally developed by RS Biotech, which is today a part of New Brunswick Scientific (NBS). These incubators were the first to offer a direct heat, fanless design — transforming the way cell culture is accomplished and making traditional water-jacketed incubators a rusty relic of the past.


By providing more incubation capacity, in a smaller footprint, with more options and a significant decrease in contamination risk compared to water-jacketed systems, Galaxy CO 2 incubators are easier to maintain, setup and utilize, while providing superior performance. These elements have made Galaxy systems a favorite among discerning scientists in in-vitro fertilization (IVF), stem cell research, as well as traditional cell culture.






NBS Galaxy incubators are offered in a range of three sizes and two models, with an unrivaled number of options.


All Galaxy incubators feature:



Six-Sided, Direct Heating Profile:

Pioneered in Galaxy incubators, the unique direct-heat profile gently bathes the cells in a consistent atmosphere through gentle convection. This system guards against wide fluctuations in temperature and CO 2 that can shock cells, as seen in traditional forced-air culture systems.



Fanless Design:

Galaxy incubators pioneered elimination of conventional fans, replacing them with our unique heating profile, which sets up a gentle circulation of air. By removing the fan, Galaxy incubators have eliminated a classic source of repeated contamination, allowing the entire incubator — including upper shelf — to be utilized while maintaining uniformity. In addition, since there is no fan, there is no need for an expensive internal HEPA filter that needs to be replaced frequently.



IR CO 2 Sensor:

Standard in all Galaxy models, is our unique InfraRed (IR) CO 2 sensor. This sensor offers specific measurement and accurate control of CO 2 levels. The traditional thermal conductivity (TC) sensor is highly sensitive to changes in chamber humidity and temperature fluctuations, and is therefore fundamentally unsuitable for use in CO 2 incubators. Uniquely, the Galaxy IR Sensor can remain in the chamber during the entire high-temperature disinfection cycle, ensuring that all chamber components are sterilized.



Simplified Cleaning:

On all models, the chambers are pressed from a single sheet of stainless steel, with no welds or seams, eliminating another potential source of contamination. In combination with the easily-removable, replaceable shelves, this makes chamber cleaning a rapid and efficient process, so more time can be spent engaged in science and less with maintaining the instrument.



Unique Range of Model Sizes:

In common with our 170 liter incubators, our 48 liter and 14 liter incubators incorporate all of the superior design and innovation of the larger units, in a smaller format. These units offer the ideal environment for hypoxic applications, research requiring isolation, and IVF research.








  • 25mm Access Port

Standard Available for adding instrumentation or additional probes.

  • RS-232 Port Standard

For communication and external instrument logging.

  • Perforated Shelves

The unique design of the perforated shelving system optimizes temperature, CO2 and especially RH recovery to minimize the effects of door openings and closings.

  • Innovative Sealed Inner Glass Door

Available on 170 liter models, the new sealed inner glass door system allows viewing access to the samples while maintaining complete sample and environmental integrity. This system is designed to minimize costly CO 2 and N 2 consumption and to provide optimal sample stability and uniformity throughout the culturing process.





Galaxy 170 R & S Series Incubators offer large capacity (170 liters, 6.0 cu. ft.) cell culture environments, with a minimal footprint. These incubators maximize capacity, while minimizing valuable laboratory space. The fanless design allows for more usable space inside the chamber. The external dimensions allow placement on or under the bench, or double-stacking on the floor.


For optimally controlled environments, choose full-featured Galaxy R or economical S Series incubators:










Full-featured R Series incubators incorporate the 133mm [5.3”] intuitive LCD interface, and full choice of options, allowing for a customizable unit with user-friendly control, alarm and logging features. Ideal applications include cGMP work, stem cell research, cancer research as well as traditional and non-traditional cell culture.




Large back-lit displays are standard on all R Series models, providing at-a-glance viewing of multiple parameters, help screens, trend graphs and diagnostics.






  • 170 liter, 6.0 cu. ft. capacity on a minimal footprint.
  • IR CO 2 sensor with automatic auto-zero programmable function to ensure accurate calibrated measurements.
  • Seamless chamber .
  • 25mm Access port .
  • Perforated shelving .
  • Sealed inner glass door for atmosphere conservation.
  • RS-232 communications port .
  • Stackable up to two high.
  • Large volume humidification pan with dedicated, independent heater.
  • Quick and comprehensive chamber cleaning made effortless.
  • HEPA filtration of gas supply inlets to ensure sterility.
  • 8-position shelving rack with 4 shelves.





The R Series CO 2 incubator’s advanced display screen and controller allow for comprehensive and rapid analysis of real time and historical conditions:

  • 72-hour continuous data logging of temperature, alarms, door openings and CO 2 , O 2 and RH if required, provides a detailed record of environmental conditions to quickly troubleshoot any unexpected results.
  • Capability to quickly change both environmental and alarm settings through intuitive controller.
  • Diagnostic interface to show system parameters and functions.
  • Password protection for secure programmable settings and alarm setpoints .
  • On-screen troubleshooting and help.












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