
Medonic CA 620

Numéro d'identification: 020334
Statut: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Medonic Analyseur d hématologie CA 620/530. Mesurer l impédance principe électronique. Méthode photométrique pour la mesure de l hémoglobine. Volume env. 150 mL.Interface parallèle et série. Imprimante thermique DPU 414. Lecteur de code barre. AC 2005
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Objektnummer B00020334
Numéro d'identification 020334
Nom de l'objet Medonic CA 620
Statut Archiv

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manufacturer :       Medonic

model :                   CA 620

annotation :           Dokumente engl .









CDS Medonic Hematology Analyzer Series




The Clinical Diagnostic Solutions Medonic 620

3-Part Hematology instrument series is designed for fast, reliable and accurate patient outcomes with operator ease. On board features include: open and closed vial sampling modules, barcoding to ensure positive patient identification with the ability to enter calibrator and control values automatically, patented micro sample technology for performing finger-stick draws without the need for micro dilution vessels, floating discriminators that reduce the need for manual intervention, self cleaning apertures that help to maintain sample integrity, and virtually no daily or weekly maintenance which will reduce time and cost.

Each analyzer is equipped with an expanded quality control module that allows the laboratory to maintain accurate data records with graphics. Interfacing to your LIS is easy through a standard format. The small footprint of the instrument and printer are definite space savers. This instrument series will ensure excellent patient outcomes effectively and efficiently.



About CDS

Clinical Diagnostic Solutions, Inc. (CDS) is a worldwide manufacturer of high quality hematology instruments, reagents, calibrators, and controls. Our products are designed for use in physician offices, hospitals and commercial clinical laboratories.

At CDS, we are committed to providing a complete solution for hematology that includes fast, accurate and easy-to-use products designed to your specifications and delivered within your time frame.



Accurate Patient Outcomes

These systems incorporate technology and high quality components to:

  • Accomplish precise sample aspiration and dilution by utilizing a shear valve that segments a reproducible blood volume every time.
  • Ensure the accuracy of each sample and reduce the number of repeats and manual differentials.
  • Automatically correct for interferences that may cause falsely elevated white counts.
  • Define the correct discriminators for the white cell differential to provide accurate separation of the three WBC populations.
  • Change the way finger-sticks are performed with our MPA technology. The Direct Micro Sampling system eliminates the need for pre-dilution and costly consumables.
  • Save time and reduce data entry errors with a barcode reader that will ensure positive sample identification.



Simple to Use

We make your experience easy by offering:

  • An easy to use keyboard that manages all instruments functions.
  • A barcode reader that automatically inputs calibrator and control values and can be used to positively identify patient samples.
  • QC functions that include data storage and retrieval with graphics.
  • Eight programmable files to manage patient   history .
  • Visual display of patient results in less than 60 seconds.
  • Selective print options that can be customized for your needs.



Highly Reliable

And Virtually Maintenance Free...

  • All stainless steel parts with minimal tubing.
  • Easy access to system components.
  • Self cleaning apertures.
  • Enclosed shear valve requiring zero maintenance.
  • No daily start-up or shut-down routines.




Utilizes only two on-board reagents

  • Eliminates the need for costly consumables with our finger-stick module.
  • Efficient system operation reduces technologist’s time and intervention.
  • Highly reliable, reducing the need for repair and service.



CDS/ Medonic 620 Specifications

16 Parameter; 3 Part Differential

Impedance volume and time measuring principle for improved


Sampling systems: open vial, closed vial, pre-dilute and MPA

Blood Detectors

50 samples per hour

Floating discriminators

Results in less than 60 seconds on screen or printout

Shear valve technology with zero maintenance

Colorimetric cyanide free hemoglobin system

Hemoglobin correction for elevated white counts

Aperture burn circuitry

Eight programmable reference ranges

Selective printing

Barcode reader

QC memory 12 files, 600 data points

QC package: Storage, Retrieval and Graphics

Two reagents only

Carryover less than 1%

Small footprint: 13.8” x 16.5” x 18.1”

Electrical Requirements: 120v/230v

Weight: 48.5 pounds













Groupe de produits: Hématologie

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