
Leica 2000 R

Numéro d'identification: 013294
Statut: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Leica Microtom HS 2000 R.
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Objektnummer B00013294
Numéro d'identification 013294
Nom de l'objet Leica 2000 R
Statut Archiv

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Firma:              Leica

Modell:            2000 R

Kommentar:   Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

1 .     Section thickness adjustment

2.     Coarse feed wheel

3.     Manual advance

4.     Seating for specimen clamp mounting

5.     Object cylinder

6.     Specimen clamping system* (Fig. 1 shows Universal Cassette Clamp)

6a.     Precise adjustment (see Fig. 5, Fixed-jaw specimen clamp, see also Fig. 2)

6b.     Coarse adjustment (see Fig. 5, Fixed-jaw specimen clamp, see also Fig. 2)

7.     Locking lever of specimen orientation device

8.     Adjusting screw for specimen orientation X-axis

9.     Adjusting screw for specimen orientation Y-axis

10.   Knife sledge

11.   Knife holder

12.   Knife / Disposable blade holder

13 .   Safety guard

14.   Knife clamping screws

15.   Clamping screw for knife holder / declination angle adjustment

16.   4 bore holes in the knife-sledge (not visible in Fig. 1/2, covered by the knife-holder)

17.   Clamping screw for clearance angle adjustment (not shown in Fig. 1/2, see Fig. 3)

18.   Knife stabilization clip (optional)

19.   4 Phillips screws for stabilization clip mounting (not visible in Fig. 1/2, see Fig. 3)

20.   Knife clamping screw of stabilization clip

21 .   Clamping screw for inclination angle adjustment an stabilization clip

22.   Adjusting lever for clearance angle selection

23.   Clearance angle scale

24.   Automatic advance adjustment knob

25.   Locking knob for transport security / sledge arresting

26.   Magnetic knife sledge arresting

27.   Microtome chassis height adjustment

28.   Section waste tray (optional) (not shown)



Clamp the specimen in the specimen clamping System (6) and position it. To position the block, loosen locking lever (7). To orient, use adjusting screws (8) and (9). Afterwards, retighten lever (7).

Clamp knife (12) or disposable blade holder by means of the knife clamping screws (14). When using the stabilization clip (18), also tighten clamping screw (20).

Set the inclination angle (recommended setting 5-8°) after having released clamping screw (17). When using stabilization clip (18), do not forget to release clamping screw (20) as well. Turn the adjustment lever (22) to the desired position of the clearance angle scale (23).

Fix the inclination angle by means of the clamping screw(s) (17) / ((21 4 ).

Trim the block using the coarse feed wheel (2) or with the manual advance (3). When rotating the coarse feed wheel backward, the object cylinder is raised, when rotating forward, the object cylinder is Iowered.

Adjust section thickness with section thickness adjustment wheel (1).

Adjust automatic feed position by pulling the selector (24) to the desired position. When working withthe automatic feed, always move the knife sledge up to the Iimit stop to make sure that automatic section thickness feed takes place at each section being done.

In order to prevent the knife sledge from moving accidentally during section re­trieval, pull the knife sledge to the front limit position (magnetic knife sledge arrest­ing (26)) before removing the section.

Groupe de produits: Microtomes

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