
Heidolph Laborota4001

Numéro d'identification: 022297
Statut: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Heidolph évaporateur rotatif Laborota 4001. Avec de l'eau. Verrerie.
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Objektnummer B00022297
Numéro d'identification 022297
Nom de l'objet Heidolph Laborota4001
Statut Archiv

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Firma:              Heidolph

Modell:                         Laborota4001/G1

Kommentar:     Dokumente engl.

Laborota 4001/WB/G3

Safety features

•     For your protection against splashing water and steam, the operating panel is located in front of the evaporator for safe and easy access

•     Drip shield over display protects user and control panel from spills

•     Individual power switches for control panel and heating bath offers additional safety

•     Choice of manual or motor lift

•     Heating bath feature non-slip safety handles for safe and easy transport of bath

•     Heating bath is constructed of an insulated double wall for your protection against burns and scalding

•     Adjustable sliding safety guard hood always aligns with the bath and protects you in case of implosion

•     Included bath extension kit allows the bath to slide horizontally to accomodate a 3 liter flask and foam trap

Convenient features

•     For your convenience, the angle of the evaporation flask can be adjusted from 10° to 85° quickly

•     Non-sticking vapor tube removes easily eliminating broken glass

•     Flask ejector presses off sticking evaporation flasks

•     Adjust and fix the height of your evaporating flask easily

•     Unique large bore vapor tube offers fast distillation rates

•     Long life graphite filled with PTFE vacuum seal

•     Superior results due to 140 Ncm rotation drive

Analog model with motor lift

Rotary Evaporator with all the general advantages plus additional features:

•     Convenient large dial controls for adjustment of rotation speed and heating bath temperature

•     Rotation speed from 20 to 270 rpm

•     Individual power switches for control panel and heating bath offers additional safety

•     One heating bath for water and oil 20 °C - 180 °C

•     Digital bath temperature display as standard

•     Set bath temperature an display, accuracy ± 1 °C

•     Attachment for optional vacuum valve or Woulff bottle

•     Upgrade this model with the optional Vacuum controller, VAC control automatic, for automated distillation

Glassware for the 4000 series

•     All glassware sets are also available with plastic safety coating

     (condenser and collection flask)

•     Evaporating flasks and vapor tubes with the standard ground joint NS 29/32 are also             available with NS 24/29 ground joints (please specify when ordering)

Also available on request:

•     Glassware sets for Soxhlet Extraction

•     Descending condensing system

Glassware Set G1

Diagonal condenser for all standard distillations, the alternative with the lowest price

Model                                                        LABOROTA 4001          

Drive                                                           maintenance-free

                                                                  capacitor motor

Rotation speed (rpm)                                 20 - 270

Rotation speed setting                               scale

Hand / Motor lift                                          motor lift

Height adjustment speed                           18 mm/s

Height adjustment (mm)                           140

Heating capacity (W)                                 1300

Temperature range water bath (°C)          20 - 100

Temperature range oil bath (°C)                30 - 180

Heat accuracy (K)                                      ± 1

Overheat cut-off protection (°C)                water bath 110

                                                                  oil bath 190

Bath temp Setting                                      scale/digital

Material heating bath                                  stainless steel

Diameter heating bath (mm)                      240

Volume heating bath (l)                              4 3

Display vapor temperature                         no

Vacuum controller                                      no

Heating bath temp.                                     capillary tube

Control, Timer                                            no

Vacuum control program p const.**         no

Vacuum control program p auto.**           no

Vacuum control program T (auto)             no

requires T (auto) sensor

Vacuum release valve ROTAVAC             no

senso or VAC senso switch**

Remote control for lift + rotation                yes

Vacuum control                                          ROTAVAC contr./ VAC. contr.

Programmable ramps                                no

Redundant bath temp. control                   no

Supply voltage (V/Hz)                                 230V / 50 Hz

                                                                  115V / 6OHz

Supply power (W)                                      1405

Weight without glass assembly (kg)          18

Size (W x D x H) (mm)                              396 x 440 X 360

Length power cord (m)                              2

Protection class                                         IP 20

Operation (°C)                                            0 - 40 at 80% rel.

conditions                                                   humidity

Rate of evaporation (H 2 0)                          1000 ml/h

Condensing surface    (cm 2 )                       1200

* *) only in combination with vacuum systems

***) with water bath/oil bath digital

Groupe de produits: Evaporateurs rotatifs

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