
Edwards Modulyo EF4

Numéro d'identification: 014275
Statut: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Edwards Séchoir par congélation EF4. Avec Pompe á vidé Pirani 10. 5-0,001mbar.
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Objektnummer B00014275
Numéro d'identification 014275
Nom de l'objet Edwards Modulyo EF4
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Firma:                Edwards

Modell:              Modulyo EF4

Kommentar:      Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

The Modulyo is a freeze drying/vapour trap facility having an ice trapping capacity of four litres. It is capable of being bench or trollet" mounted as required.

Designed as a basic unit it is primarily intended for freeze drying biological and pharmaceutical preparations, but is eaually suitable for use an other vacuum duties including evaporation and distillation.

The concept of Modulyo is to provide the minimum equipment necessary for these duties, and the basic unit consists of a functional cabinet in which is contained an air cooled refrigerator compressor and astainless steel-condenser chamber.

When used with any of the accessories offered the Modulyo can be used for freeze drying material in bulk, round bottomed flasks or vials. Alternatively, the unit can be used as a convenient, low temperature vapour trap that may be attached to an existing evaporative facility.

The condenser chamber and its associated pipework are manufactured from stainless steel to minimise corrosion. The thermally insulated chamber acts as a trap for water or other solvent vapour and as a Container for the resulting ice or condensate. The large flange opening enables easy inspection, cleaning and water defrosting.

A valved drain terminating an the front of the Modulyo is provided for simple and quick removal of water and condensate.

A Pirani vacuum gauge is fitted and also a thermocouple meter to indicate the temperature of the condenser during operation. On the front of the unit are also fitted a refrigerator 'on-off" switch and an indicating lamp.


Overall dimensions

   height                                             332 mm

   width                                              535 mm

   depth                                              622 mm

Weight                                              45 kg

Electrical requirements                    220-240V 5OHz lph (10-F029-19-000)

                                                         110-115V 60Hz lph (10-F029-20-000)

Power consumption                         300W (fuse 13 A)


   size                                                1/3 hp (250W) hermetically


   heat extraction rate                        180 k cal h -1 at –35°C 0

                                                         (at 20 C ambient)

   refrigerant                                      R502 - 220-240V model

                                                         R12 - 100-115V model


   ice capacity in 12h                         1.2 kg

   ice capacity in 24h                         2.3 kg

   ice capacity in total                        4.0 kg

   minimum temperature                  

   under vacuum                                -55°C 2 ±5°C

   surface area                                  0.15m 2

   volume                                           7,2 litres

   average evaporation

   rate (manifold)                               95 cc h -1

Number of shelves                           2 or 3

Height between shelves                   53mm (open)          37mm (closed)       (3 shelf version)

                                                         73mm (open)          57mm (closed)       (2 shelf version)

Maximum number of viele                per shelf                  per assembly          per assembly

                                                                                        2 shelf                            3 shelf

     14mm od                                     123                          246                                 369

     16mm od                                     89                            178                                 267

     18mm od                                     71                            142                                 213

     24mm od                                     39                            78                                   117

Freeze drying — the basic principles

Freeze drying is a means of preserving wet substances, or solutions in water, that are usually of biological origin. substances treated are living micro-organisms for preventive or curative medicine or for Ibankingl in culture collections, starters for fermentation processes, blond fractions, biological Standards, hormones, enzymes, antibiotics, vitamins and unstable fine chemicals and pieces of tissue.

After pre-freezing, the frozen product is exposed to vacuum and the contained ice allowed to sublime - that is, to change directly from the solid to the vapour state without melting. During freeze drying the ice does not evaporate simultaneously from all parts of the material, but a frozen Interface continuously moves away from a dry nuten boundary. The resulting 'cake" has substantially the saure size and shape as the original frozen mass and it may usually be stored at room temperature until required for use. When reconstitution is necessary this can be done by the addition of a suitable quantity of water, when the properties which survived the initial freezing are restored.

Apparatus for freeze drying consists essentially of a vacuum vessel, a water trag and a mechanical vacuum pump. The water vapour which evolves in the process is trapped before entering the pump, which cannot deal with the lange volumes of vapour generated in the process. Methods in common use for trapping water are desiccants (drying agents), or refrieerated condensers as in the Modulyo. Containers of the prefrozen material are either attached externally to a vacuum manifold or placed in a chamber or cabinet which is then evacuated.

Vacuum creates conditions favourable to freeze drying and Sublimation only occurs if heat is supplied to the frozen material. Room heat is usually sufficient for manifold or Small chamber freeze dryers.

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