
Desaga ChromaJet DS20

Numéro d'identification: 014623
Statut: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Desaga Appareil pulvérisateur ChromaJet DS 20. Plates TLC. Avec logiciel.
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Objektnummer B00014623
Numéro d'identification 014623
Nom de l'objet Desaga ChromaJet DS20
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Firma:                Desaga

Modell:              ChromaJet DS20

Kommentar:      Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

The ChromaJet DS 20 spray apparatus is used to apply derivatizing reagents to TLC plates or TLC foils.

The samples and suitable reference substances are chromatographed together an TLC plates or TLC foils and then converted to detectable derivatives by specific chemical or physical means.

Reagent application

Small quantities of reagent are completely automatically applied to the TLC plate or TLC foil under defined conditions by the„ spray head. The uniform and reproducible wetting of the layer creates the conditions for quantitative derivatization of the substance with the reagent.

The control and editing software requires Windows® 98/2000 or Windows® NT operating system.

Operating system

The software of the DS 20 requests from the Operator all the relevant parameters which unequivocally define the spraying process. The spray method contains all parameters for steering and for the geometry of the spray tracks.

Automation and the repeatability of defined spraying procedures make reproducible work possible independent of the skill of the user.


The spray parameters can be saved together with your own commentary. The methods compiled are available at all times for loading and also for editing.

Reagent data base

The formulations of the spray reagents can be administered in a separate data Base. If desired, all reagents can be stored in a file with their formulations and can be edited at any time. Each of these files can be re­imported when new spray methods are compiled, thus, making for ease of operation.

Stand-alone operation

Up to 4 different spray methods can be transferred from the PC to the spray apparatus via a standard RS 232 interface and remain in the apparatus store. When the apparatus is switched an the 4 methods stored in the microprocessor can be called up and are ready for use. This means that the apparatus can also be operated without PC connections.

The spray programs can be called up and activated as often as required.

The spray process is initiated at the apparatus itself.

The necessary operating steps can be called up via the operating panel of the ChromaJet DS 20. Here it is possible to select, start and, if necessary, erase one of the 4 independent spray methods.

Aerosol-free working environment

The Computer-supported and microprocessor-controlled reagent application ensures homogeneous distribution and minimal reagent consumption. As a result of this the creation of excess spray mist and environmental contamination with aerosols is reduced.


The transparent acrylic cover makes possible detailed observation of the process of spraying. The apparatus can only be operated in the closed position since this is a condition for an aerosol-free environment. A powerful suction device continually sucks in air into the apparatus through a slit at the lower edge of the cover.

Exhaust air

Excess aerosols produced during spraying and drying are led out through an exhaust hose at the back of the apparatus and into a fume cupboard.

This means that the ChromaJet DS 20 can be situated in a position with no direct exhaust system.

A total of up to 4 different spray reagents can be connected to the valve ports of the ChromaJet DS 20 at the same time. This means that the amount of work necessary for frequently used reagents is considerably reduced.


In addition, the apparatus is equipped with an automatic rinsing system which removes undesired reagent residues immediately after the spraying process, thus, making it possible to obviate laborious cleaning at a later stage.


The ChromaJet DS 20 software ensures that documentation is carried out in conformityto GLP.

AII spray parameters, together with a pictorial representation of the selected TLC plate size, the spray track and all essential method data are saved and/or printed out for the sample protocol.

Sample protocol

The user name, plate identification, the date and time are naturally recorded too, as is the formulation of the spray reagent with remarks and commentary.

Description of the software

The ChromaJet DS 20 spray apparatus is operated by integrated software. A spray method includes all requirements that:

•            guarantee reproducible results.

•            ensure working and documentation in accordance with GLP.

•            permit flexible spray parameters.

•            continually display an up-dated sketch of the TLC plate with the spray sector.

•            administer all formulations via a reagent fite.

•            store precise information for plate recognition and commentary in the method.

•            spray protocol stored or printed out for complete documentation.

Technical data


ChromaJet DS 20:                  Length x width x height            40mmx400mmx255mm

TLC plates or foils:                  Standard widths                      50, 100, 200 mm or as desired to

                                                                                               200 mm

                                               Standard lengths                     50, 100, 200 mm or as desired to

                                                                                               0 mm


                                               Numbers of spray tracks        1 - 30

                                               Spray grid                                2 - 4 mm

                                               Jet progression                       50 – 200 mm/s

                                               Ajr through-put                         70 – 100 %

                                               Reagent through-put               50 - 24O s/ml

                                               Filling rate                                6 – 30 s/ml

                                               Rinsing rate                             6 – 30 s/ml

                                               Spray cycles                           1-5

                                               Flush cycles                            1-5

Valve port assignment

                                               Valve ports for spray reagents         A,B,C and D

                                               Valve port for rinsing fluid                 E

                                               Valve port for spray head supply      F

Apparatus data

                                               Power supply                          230 V, (-10%/+6%) 60-60 Hz

                                                                                               50 W

                                               DS 20 power consumption     50 W

                                               Fuses                                      2x0.25 A slow

                                               Weight                                     15 kg

Environmental conditions

                                               Permissible environmental temperature        +10°C to + 40°C

                                               Relative humidity                     Not morethen8OY6 non-                                condensing

Groupe de produits: Densitomètres / Chromagr.couche mince

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