
Chrompack CP 9003

Numéro d'identification: 014063
Statut: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Chrompack GC CP 9003. Injecteur split/splitless. Detecteur ECD. Gasflowregulateur. Controler. Autosampler CP 9050. Board.
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Objektnummer B00014063
Numéro d'identification 014063
Nom de l'objet Chrompack CP 9003
Statut Archiv

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manufacturer :       Chrompack

model :                   CP 9003

annotation :           Dokumente engl.



The Model CP-9003 Gas Chromatograph is a high performance Instrument capable of analyzing mixtures by gas chromatography. The Instrument is designed to accept two capillary (open tubular) columns plus two injection ports and two detectors. An additional feature is its ability to act as a network manager, capable of controlling the operation of up to 12 satellite GCs.



The GC can be divided into four main parts - the oven, the flow module, the analytical cover (including the injection and detection systems) and the keyboard.


The Oven

The oven is at the heart of any GC and in the CP-9003 lt is located in the centre of the GC. The front door of the oven opened by pressing the catch an its right hand side. This gives access to the oven so that columns can be installed. At the back of the oven is a fan which maintains the air flow around the heating elements and ensures that heat is evenly distributed throughout the oven. The back well plays an important part in maintaining the oven temperature (when at near ambient temperatures). The angle of the wall is automatically altered to control the flow of warm air out of - and cold air into - the oven. This proportionally controlled back wall means that the oven can be used at near ambient temperatures.


The Keyboard

The GC is controlled and programmed via the keyboard of 28 keys. The keyboard and LCD screen form the operator's input/output station giving total control of the GC. The angle of the keyboard is fixed but the angle of the display can be changed to obtain the best viewing conditions.


The Analytical Cover

On top of the oven is the analytical cover which houses the individually heated injection port and detector blocks.


Gas Flow Control

The flow control is located at the left side of the GC. A transparent door covers the controls. Each detector and each injection port has a dedicated flow unit. These units will be installed in the GC before delivery along with the injection port(s) and detector(s) ordered. Since each.injection port and detector has its own flow unit, any combination of injection port and detector can be used in the Model CP-9003 ..

Inlet pressure regulators are optional. lf mounted the regulators are located under the cover of the GC above the flow control units.


Groupe de produits: Chromatographes en phase gazeuse (autre)

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