
Camag Sampler 4

Numéro d'identification: 014147
Statut: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Camag TLC-Sampler 4 automatique. Ac 2003.
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Objektnummer B00014147
Numéro d'identification 014147
Nom de l'objet Camag Sampler 4
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Firma:                   Camag

Modell:                Sampler 4

Kommentar:        Dokumente engl.

The following illustrations and descriptions are referring to the instrument model and are drawn from brochures. They are not representing the delivery volume. The exact delivery content you will find only in the offering text.

CAMAG Automatic TLC Sampler 4 - ATS 4

Automatic TLC Sampler (ATS 4)

Sample application is the first step of planar chromatography (instrumental TLC) and thus determines the quality of the analysis.

Automatic sample application is a key factor for productivity of the TLC laboratory. The requirements for an instrument serving this purpose, i.e. precision, robustness during routine use and convenient handling are fully met by the Automatic TLC Sampler 4.

The ATS 4 offers fully automatic sample application for qualitative and quantitative analyses as well as for preparative separations. It is suited for routine use and high sample throughput in mass analysis.

Samples can be applied spotwise by contact transfer or in the form of bands or rectangles by spraying. Narrow bands as starting zones ensure the highest resolution attainable with the planar chromatographic system selected. Sample application in the form of rectangles allows the application of large volumes or volume per time unit without washing away the layer. This is especially important when aqueous sample solutions are to be applied. Prior to chromatography, rectangles are focused into narrow bands with a solvent of high elution strength.

Key features of the Automatic TLC Sampler 4 at a glance:

  • Fully automatic sample application, suitable for routine
  • Application of spots, bands, or rectangles
  • Data input and monitoring through winCATS
  • Application of sample solutions onto any planar medium
  • Application of sample volumes between 0.1 and 5 microliter by contact transfer
  • Spray-on application of sample volumes between 0.5 and > 50 microliter.
  • Operation under winCATS – Planar Chromatography Manager
  • Increased felxibility with the FreeMode program of winCATS (application of solutions onto planar medium)
  • Compliant with requirements of GMP/GLP
  • Installation Qualification (IQ) and Operation Qualification (OQ) provided
  • Usage in a 21 CFR Part 11 environment under winCATS


Mains voltage:

90-240 V, 50-60 Hz

External gas supply:

Compressed air or nitrogen 4-6 bar (60-90PSI)

Minimum PC configuration:

Pentium 90, 32 MB RAM (64 MB recommended)

Operating System:

MS Windows TM NT


Uncertainty of volume dosage is dependent on the syringe volume: 1 nL for 10 µL syringe, 2 nL for 25 µL syringe, and 10 nL for 100 µL syringe. Therefore, a syringe of unnecessary large volume should not be chosen.

The sample delivery speed can be chosen between 10 and 1000 nL/s.

A typical rinsing cycle takes about 35s, i.e. discharging the syringe content, filling with rinsing liquid once plus 2 seconds vacuum time, emptying the syringe and filling it with new sample.

The temperature range of the heated spray nozzle (option) is 30-60 °C. Increasing the temperature by 10°C allows to approximately double the application speed; temperature stability of the analyte must be assured.

Function of the ATS4

An application sequence starts with the take-up of the sample. The septum is punched and the needle lowered into the sample vial through the septum punch. Then the syringe is filled with sample solution.

The septum punch is retracted before the needle to ensure that the outside of the needle is vviped off by the tightly closing septum.

Prior to the first application from a newly filled syringe, a samll volume is pre dosed onto a waste pIate in oder to generate reproducible conditions at the needle tip. Pre dosage is effected in the same way as intended for sample application, i.e. by contact spotting or by spray-on technique.

The syringe moves to the programmed position of the plate and starts application of the desired sample volume. lf several applications of the same sample have been programmed, these are applied in sequence from the same syringe filling, provided the remaining volume is sufficient. Otherwise the syrigne is automaticaly refilled.

After the final application of this sample solution the syringe is epmtied into the waste recipient.

The syringe is filled with rinsing solvent, the plunger moved past the side connection and some additional rinsing solvent is aspirated off.

Finally the rinsing solvent is emptied into the waste recipient, and the dosing system is ready for the next application sequence.

Groupe de produits: Densitomètres / Chromagr.couche mince

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