
Varian Spectra AA 600

ID-number: 014111
Status: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Varian Flame AAS SpectrAA 600. Atomizer. Integrated PC. Printer. 4-foldlampchanger. Lamps at inquiry.
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Objektnummer B00014111
ID-number 014111
Object name Varian Spectra AA 600
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Firma:              Varian

Modell:                         Spectra AA 600

Kommentar:     Dokumente engl.

Specifications        SpectrAA 600

Fully automated single or double beam spectrometers for atomic absorption or emission.

Supplied as standard with:

o            IBM OS/2 Operating System

o            SpectrAA system software for flame, vapor and furnace/Zeeman AA

o            Operation Manual

o            Analytical Methods `Cookbook"

Additionally, all SpectrAA-600 flame systems are supplied as standard with:

o                      Varian Mark VI air/acetylene burner (except Universal versions)

o                      Double skinned extraction chimney

o                      Corrosion resistant Hi-vac nebulizer

o                      Removable sample tray

o                      Spray chamber stand


Narrow Beam Optics

Fully sealed optics with hard quartz overcoated mirrors. All optics mounted in a three dimensional cast aluminium chassis for strength, temperature resistance and reduced vibrations. Rotating Beam Combiner (RBC) alternately passes 100% of sample beam or 100% of reference beam to the monochromator for low noise and better detection limits (double beam systems only).


Czerny Turner 0.25 m focal length Microdrive monochromator. Holographic diffraction grating,

1200 lines/mm blazed at 240 nm. Wavelength range 185-900 nm. Computer controlled wavelength and slit selection with automatic peaking. Full height slits of 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 nm and one reduced height slit of 0.5 nm. Selected wide range R 446 multi-alkali photomultiplier tube covering the fall wavelength range.

Lamp Turrets

Choice of 4 lamp motorized (Option Q) or 1 lamp manual turret. The unique lamp socket secures each lamp by its base eliminating the need for restraining clamps. Electrical connection is made automatically when the lamp is inserted into the socket eliminating flying leads and connectors. User selectable end of run action to leave lamp an or automatically switch off alter use.

Both turrets are compatible with:

o                                              Coded lamps for automatic lamp recognition without adaptors

o            Multi-element coded lamps for increased turret capacity and automatic selection of next element with   the 1 lamp manual turret

o                                              Economical uncoded lamps

o                                              High intensity Superlamps for low noise and best detection limits

The 4 lamp motorized turret (Option Q) features:

o                                              Two lamp power supply for the operating lamp and automatic warm-up of next lamp in sequence

o                                              Smart Lamp Warm-Up pre-warms the next lamp 20 minutes before use - saving valuable lamp life

o                                              Pre-alignment of up to 4 lamps

SpectrAA Hollow Cathode Lamps

Electronically modulated for Narrow Beam profile 8 , giving better sensitivity and extended lifetime. SpectrAA hollow cathode lamps are manufactured entirely by Varian to the Same high quality standards as all our spectrometers and accessories.

Deuterium Background Correction (Option B)

Covers 185-425 um to total 2.5 absorbance. 2 ms rapid response for accurate correction of fast background signals. Electronic modulation with automatic attenuation for improved beam balance. Front mounted lamp with horizontal and vertical adjusters for easy alignment and replacement by the user without removing instrument covers.

Zeeman Background Correction (SpectrAA-600 Z Only)

Covers 185-900 nm to total 2.5 absorbance. Time delay between total and background readings is 4 or 5 milliseconds (60/50 Hz). Polynomial interpolation of background signals for accurate correction of fast background signals. Features Transverse Alternating Current (AC) electromagnet at twice the mains frequency. Average field-on strength 0.8 Tesla. Complies with International Radiation Protection Association guidelines for occupational exposure to stray magnetic fields. Stabilized against mains voltage variations. Coil sealed against moisture and corrosive vapors. Magnet temperature safety interlocked. Automatic roll over protection.

Hammer Programmable Gas Control (Flame Systems Only)

Unique fast response Hammer solenoid design for long term precision and accuracy. Fuel and oxidant gas flows set from PC. Automatic changeover between air and nitrous oxide flames and automatic setting of optimized gas flows for each element. Ten safety interlocks. All safety interlocks must be satisfied before the flame can be ignited. During operation, if any interlock (except the flame shield) is violated, the Safety Tank extinguishes the flame with a burst of oxidant, and shuts off both the acetylene and the oxidant. Separate flame­-on and flame-off buttons.

SpectrAA Safety System

No cables, restraining wires or tools required. All gas hoses and connections are made internally, avoiding exposure of hoses to physical damage, corrosion, heat and UV radiation. Interlocks monitor: Burner type, Burner correctly fitted, Liquid trap full, Nebulizer bung in place, Pressure relief bung in place, Flame sensor, Flame shield in place, Mains power, Oxidant pressure and Safety Tank Full. Separate upper and lower flame shields and a double skinned extraction chimney protect against heat and UV while allowing external adjustment of all burner and spray chamber controls.

Mark VI Flame Atomization System

Standard features:

o            Solid polypropylene Mark VI spray chamber (except Universal versions)

o            Rapid disassembly without tools for cleaning, or to switch to furnace

o            Removable twin head mixing paddles

o            External finger adjustable Impact bead

o            Dual position Hi-vac nebulizer with inert platinum/Iridium capillary and tantalum venturi (except Universal versions)

o            Integral liquid trap with magnetic float interlock

o            Incoloy Mark VI air/acetylene burner (except Universal versions)

o            Burner rotation through a full 90°


o            Mark VI nitrous-oxide/acetylene burner

o            Teflon Impact bead for applications where hydrofluoric acid is used

o            Adjustable nebulizer for organics

o            Fluorinated High Density Polyethylene Mark VI spray chamber - recommended for both organics and aqueous solutions

Performance Guarantee (Flame Operation)

Varian guarantees an absorbance of 0.55 (based an 4 sigma) or greater can be obtained from

a 5 mg/L copper standard using a Mark VI air-acetylene burner under optimized conditions with the mixing paddles removed. Factory studies of ten different units showed an average absorbance of 0.73 with a standard deviation of 0.044. With the mixing paddles fitted and the Impact bead adjusted, precision will be better than 0.5% RSD from just ten 5 second integrations.


SpectrAA-600 has an integral IBM compatible personal computer with:

o                      Industry standard 486SX/33 Mhz

o                      16 Mbyte Random Access Memory (RAM)

o                      170 Mbvte hard disk drive

o                      1 x 3.5 Inch 1.44 Mbyte high density floppy disk drive

o                      2 serial/1 printer parallel ports

o                      2 full sized 8/16 bit expansion slots

o                      VGA graphics Interface

o                      IBM OS/2 Operating System

SpectrAA-600 Software for Flame and Zeeman Operation

Controls SpectrAA-600 spectrometer and all accessories.


o                      Keyboard or mouse operation

o                      Simple and Advanced Interfaces

o                      Logical modular software design

o                      On-screen Reactive Index

o                      Logical Learner structure guides inexperienced users in developing methods and Sequences

o                      Innovative combination of easy to use pages with the power of a windowed system

o                      Context sensitive Help with Index and Cross Referencing

o                      Dedicated function keys for controlling critical analysis functions from keyboard

Function Keys

Full range of dedicated function keys provided for immediate response to commands such as Start Autorun, Stop, Read, Help etc. Function keys include advanced facilities such as Rinse, Tube Clean, Review Method, Rescale and Change View to quickly display alternate views of the Instrument Window.

Measurement Modes

A different number of replicates can be selected for Standards, calibration zero blanks and samples.

In all peak modes, data is stored in both height and area so that the measurement mode can be edited at a later time. Features Minimum Signal Facility which skips to the next sample if the first signal measurement is not greater than the required minimum reading.

Flame and Vapor

Integration, peak height, peak area and PROMT.

Graphite Furnace and Zeeman

Peak height, peak area, furnace PROMT height and furnace PROMT area.

In furnace PROMT, only the minimum number of replicates required to achieve the desired precision are measured for each sample.

Methods and Sequences

SpectrAA-600 features automatic recall of all recommended method parameters by entering the element symbol. For graphite furnace/Zeeman work this includes recall of the recommended furnace temperature program. Capacity for storage of up to 999 methods. Method search facilities provided for rapid method recall. Each sequence can contain up to 999 samples randomly selected for up to 20 methods for flame/vapor or furnace/Zeeman. Samples are rapidly selected with the mouse by highlighting required samples and associating them with any required method. Features optional during-run weight and volume correction. Sequences can be named and stored for routine analyses. The sample labels and weight/volume correction factors are stored as a separate Label File, which can be recalled for repeated use in other Sequences, and edited separately at any time. Sample labels and weight/volume correction factors may also be imported

in ASCII line format from a valid floppy or network drive.

On-Line Cookbook

Analytical methods `Cookbook" information can be accessed for each element from the Method and Instrument Windows.

Cookbook displays typical calibration graph and lists alternative wavelengths with their sensitivities and any analytical recommendations where applicable.

Calibration and Blank Correction

Up to 10 standards with separate Calibration Zero blank. Multiple Reagent Blanks can be selected throughout the analysis for subtraction from samples. Calibration modes include Concentration mode (including Bracketing Standards an two closely spaced concentrations) and Standard Additions. Signal Expansion factor of 0.1-100 available in all calibration modes. Choice of least-squares calibration algorithms from New Rational, Linear, Quadratic, Cubic.

SpectrAA-600 automatically selects the next most suitable algorithm in the event of a calibration failure.

Calibration goodness of fit data includes:  

o          Y intercept

o          Correlation coefficient, r

o          X intercept

o          Residuals an all points

o          Slope

o          Chi squared

o          Curve fit coefficients

o          Reported for both peak height and peak area modes

Programmable recalibration and reslope rates for each method. Includes separate upper and lower percent slope change limits an calibrations and reslopes and automatic calibration curvature diagnostics. Action options for these tests include:

o          Pause

o          Continue in absorbance

o          Retry/Pause

o          Retry/Continue in abs  

o          Switch to next method

Sequence Error Controls and Power Fail Recovery

Sequence can be Set to start with Calibration Zero Blank, Sample, Reslope or Calibration.

Programmable Pause after any method to adjust settings and pre-method delay to allow for automatic system warm-up.

Pause automatic run at any time and restart from any method and sample combination.

In the event of a Power Fail during a furnace/Zeeman automatic run, SpectrAA will recover and continue with the analysis, immediately the power is restored. SpectrAA can be programmed to pre-warm the lamp, before restarting the analysis and to recommence the analysis with Calibration Zero Blank, Sample, Reslope or Calibration. During a flame automatic run, SpectrAA will recover and pre-warm the lamp only - an operator must be present to re-light the flame before the analysis can continue.

Sequence completion options include control over lamps, flame and the end-of­-sequence alarm.

Quality Control Protocols

SpectrAA-600's built-in data quality control software for flame, vapor, furnace and Zeeman AA features 13 independent tests:  

o          Initial QC Standard (ICV)

o          Initial QC Blank (ICB)  

o          RDL Standard (CRA)

o          Continuing QC Standards (CCV)  

o          Continuing QC Blank (CCB)

o          Correlation Coefficient  

o          Detection Limit Test

o          Precision (Replicate %RSD)  

o          Duplicates

o          Lab Control Sample  

o          QC Spikes

o          Preparation Blank

o          Matrix Spikes

Each QCP test name and associated error flags can be edited from the Admin. window to comply with local regulatory requirements. Tests can be individually turned an or off for complete flexibility. Solutions can be randomly positioned using Solution Codes attached to each sample label to indicate which test is required. QC Standards, Blanks and Spikes can also be rate driven so that the tests will be performed after the nominated number of samples or injections. Each test features a range of action options in the event of test failure, including:

o          Recalibrate and Repeat  

o          Retry/Flag and Continue  

o          Reslope and Repeat

o          Pause

o          Flag and Continue  

o          Dilute and Retry  

o          Retry/Pause

o          Switch to Standard Additions  

o          Spike and Continue

Action limits can be specified for each test in accordance with US EPA requirements.

Data Display

The Instrument Window allows analysis of Samples, individually or in a Sequence. The window can be customized to simultaneously display:

o          Signal graphics

o          Calibration graph

o          Analytical results area

o          Large replicate display boxes  

o          Current method status block  

o          Push-Buttons

o          Solution type line

Features “Record”   facility for recording signals and results during method development. Overlay facility allows signals and different calibration algorithms to be overlaid for comparison. Unique large replicate display boxes highlight current atomic absorbance (integrated value or both peak height and area), current mean atomic abs, peak Background absorbance, %RSD and current wavelength - depending upon current instrument mode. Features graphics Cursor displaying atomic absorbance or intensity, Background, time, temperature and Concentration. Zoom facility allows instant close-up of Signals for detailed analysis. Independent scaling of atomic and Background axes, time and temperature.

Analytical results area displays a copy of the printed report. This area can be scrolled backwards to review previous results while the automatic run analysis is in progress. Current results can be copied directly from the analytical results area to third party software using the OS/2 Clipboard.

Graphics Display

Plot window allows review of graphics during or after analysis. Plot displays up to 12 signal and calibration graphics simultaneously. Features Cursor read-out and zoom facilities. Any Signal from any stored data Set can be displayed and overlaid an any other. Page Up/Down keys allow rapid review of large graphic files.

Data Collection/Management

Results Storage

All raw data, signals, methods and sequences stored in the built-in Novell Btrieve database. Mean absorbance, mean concentration, mean background, %RSD and up to 40 replicate readings stored.

In peak modes, both peak height and area are stored. SpectrAA data sets can be transferred to disk files for permanent archival storage.

Data Editing

Full data editing of all sample and standard results to mask spurious readings automatic recalculation of sample results. Standards can be completely removed from the calibration in case of errors. SpectrAA-600 also allows post-run modification of peak measurement mode and calibration algorithm.


Combine flame, furnace/Zeeman and vapor results from 1 to 5 different autoruns in a single report. Reports can be created during or after analysis, or manually at any time, using stored data.

SpectrAA reports can also be output to disk in PRN and ASCII file formats for easy transfer of data to other third party software applications.

Sequential or multi-element tabular report formats include:

o          operator name  

o          Page numbers  

o          Batch name

o          Sample labels  

o          Date of report

Reports can be customized to include:  

o          Calibration results

o          Calibration Graphs  

o          Signal Graphics

o          Instrument Parameters  

o          All replicate readings  

o          Mean Concentration  

o          Mean Absorbance

o          Mean Background

o          QCP Flags and Messages with date and time stamps

o          %RSD

o          Decimal Places Used

o          Peak Height and/or peak area data  

o          Weight/volume correction

Instrument parameters includes all method and optical parameters (including photomultiplier tube voltage readout), calibration and sampler settings. Includes Sample Label Match facility with wildcards to automatically select only corresponding samples for reporting. Printed graphics can include one replicate or all replicates of a solution overlaid. For standards, all replicates of all standards can also be overlaid.

Errors and Help System

All windows and Pop-up dialogs feature

a prompt line which provides information about the current field or Parameter. Comprehensive five level error system with on-screen Error Log including füll error description and possible causes for complete system fault diagnosis. Contents of the error log can be printed or copied to a file for remote diagnosis.

SpectrAA-600 features context sensitive Help with cross-referencing and index. Simply dick an keywords in the Help text to retrieve more information an the highlighted topic. Also features search for keywords, print and copy to file facilities.

Administration Window

Provides unique capabilities for the laboratory supervisor, including optional Password management for protection against unauthorized access to the SpectrAA Advanced mode and protection against modification and deletion of data sets, methods and sequences.

The Administration Window also provides füll data editing capability (see previous description) and editing of QCP keywords and flags.

The Administration Window also provides access to the Error Log (see previous description).


OS/2 Operating System provides true pre-emptive multi-tasking allowing SpectrAA-600 to be used for several tasks at once. OS/2's multi-threading is used to enable up to 5 reports to be spooled to the printer simultaneously.

Within SpectrAA, you can develop new methods or sequences, review stored signal graphics, edit data or send multiple reports to print while SpectrAA continues with the analysis.

SpectrAA's multi-tasking can also be used to access third party commercial software while continuing the analysis.


SPS-5 Sample Preparation System

Automatic random access sampler for flame and vapor generation AA. Includes Teflon coated stainless steel probe with programmable probe height. Supports 3 rack positions as standard, with optional rear rack extension for 2 more. Five sample rack types available, constructed from inert polypropylene with Magnetic Rack Recognition:

All rack types can be used for samples, rack types A and B can be used for standards.

Diluter for the SPS-5

Precision diluter for the SPS-5 supporting on-line dilution and off-live operation with the SPS-5. Features a precision 20 mL syringe with 22 mL Teflon storage coil to ensure syringe only contains diluent. Dispenses solution volumes from 0.05 to 500 mL with dilution volumes from 1 to 500 mL and a maximum dilution ratio of 1:10,000. `Smart" mixing (probe height and mixing time automatically adjusted to volume dispensed) ensures solution homogeneity without splashing. Flow through rinse vessel provided, with user definable rinse volume to ensure probe is rinsed internally and externally, minimizing cross-contamination.

During run capabilities include:

o          Immediate dilution of over range samples with reagent addition and automatic mixing  

o          Dilution automatically repeated until result is in range or capacity of Diluter exceeded

o          User defined choice of dilution into a separate rack, or into reserved number of tubes within each rack

o          Automatic preparation of standard additions an analytical spike failure

o          Automatic dilution of sample and spike an analytical spike failure

Off-line dilution application supports off-live operation, with capability to store up to 99 dilution methods containing up to 99 pages in each, for automatic preparation of:

o          Single or multi-element standards (up to 10 standards with up to 16 components)  

o          Single or multi-element addition standards (up to 5 additions with recalibration rate from 1-99)

o          Spiked samples for spike recovery studies (spike rate 1-99)

o          Single or serial dilution of samples with addition of up to 2 reagents (up to 200 samples/batch)

o          Includes capability to dispense viscous samples such as oils by programming the syringe speed

(4-40 mL/min) and the mixing period.

o          Typical dilution error for a 1 in 20 dilution to a total volume of 20 mL: +/- 2.0%

GTA-100 and GTA-100 Zeeman Graphite Tube Atomizer

Temperature Control and Programming

Fully automated `Constant Temperature Zone" graphite furnace/Zeeman system with optional PSD-100 furnace autosampler. Features patented Dynamic Feedback Temperature Control with cooling water temperature compensation for enhanced temperature accuracy. Maximum heating rate of 2000 °C per second, programmable with up to 20 temperature program steps variable from 40 to 3000 °C in 1° increments with cooling water temperature compensation. Unlike optical sensor systems, the heating rate is fully feedback controlled to ensure controlled temperature ramping for reproducibility and to minimize temperature overshoot. Fully programmable control of two end-entry gases from 0-3.1 L/min in 0.1 L/min increments.

Workhead Construction

SpectrAA's unique solid titanium graphite furnace workhead provides maximum corrosion resistance. Features quartz end Windows for high light transmission. Workhead is permanently connected to power supply by an umbilical cord carrying all electrical, gas and water services. Rapid release mechanism for easy tube replacement. Graphite tube is enclosed in an inert gas atmosphere by a one-piece (no-joins) graphite shroud for maximum tube life.

Error protocols to control automated analysis, including Power Fail Recovery restart following a mains power interruption with optional lamp warm-up delay.

Supplied as standard:

o          10 pyrolytically coated partitioned graphite tubes

o          10 notched pyrolytically coated partitioned tubes (for use with forked platforms)

o          10 solid pyrolytic forked platforms (for use with notched partitioned tubes)

o          Workhead storage bracket

GTA-100 features interlocks on:  

o          Inert gas pressure

o          Water temperature

o          Water pressure

o          Transformer temperature

o          Tube failure

o          Magnet temperature (GTA-100 Zeeman only)

PSD-100 Programmable Sample Dispenser for GTA-100/GTA-100 Zeeman

Automatic sampler for graphite furnace/Zeeman AAS. For maximum productivity sampler is synchronized to graphite furnace operation so that next solution is picked up while previous injection is being fired. Capacity for 50 samples in 2 mL vials with 5 central 25 mL vessels for make-up solution, bulk standards, modifiers and QC solutions. Bulk standards, QC solutions and modifiers can also be placed in any other sample cup position. A different bulk standard location can be specified for each method. Carousels may be exchanged during analysis providing capability to run up to 999 samples per method in an automated sequence.

The PSD-100 features:

o          Automatic calculation of standard volumes based an bulk standard concentration and sample volumes

o          Automatic preparation of 10 standards or additions from the bulk standard

o          Pre-mix mode for operation with manually prepared standards

o          Automatic addition of up to 5 chemical modifiers per method

o          Automatic Over Range Volume Reduction (OVER)

o          Multiple Injection

o          Choice of Pre-, Co- and/or Post Injection of chemical modifiers

o          Hot Injection for Fast Furnace Analysis with programmable injection temperature from 40-200 °C

and programmable injection rate

o          Patented air segmented solution pick up with blank flush out for best precision

o          Ultra-stable mounting mechanism with position lock and simplified probe adjustment

o          Overflow rinse station with large 1 L capacity pressurized rinse vessel

Electrical Requirements for the GTA-100 and GTA-100 Zeeman

208/220/240 volts AC +/- 10%, 50 or 60 Hz +/- 1 Hz. Rated current 15 A, single phase. Surge current up to 40 A for approx. 1 sec. reducing to 20 A for up to 10 sec.

Gas Requirements for the GTA-100 and GTA-100 Zeeman

Argon or nitrogen (dry 99.99% argon preferred) at pressure of 140-200 kPa (20­30 psi), Recommended pressure 140 kPa (20 psi). Maximum consumption 3.5 L/min.


Cooling Water Requirements for the GTA-100 and GTA-100 Zeeman

Mains or recirculated (preferred) supply at flow rate of 1.5-2 L/ min. at 180 kPa (27 psi). Maximum pressure 200 kPa (30 psi). Recommended temperature range 10-20 °C (50-68 °F). Maximum permissible temperature 40 °C (104 °F). Suitable recirculating water coolers are generally available in most regions. Consult your Varian representative for details.

VGA-77 Vapor Generation Accessory

Modular continuous flow vapor generator for the determination of Hg, As, Se, Sb, Te, Bi and Sn at µg/L concentrations. Spare hydride modules available for AAS and ICP­AES operation. Typical precisions

1-2% RSD at 60-70 samples per hour determined in triplicate. Compatible with the SPS-5 Sample Preparation System.

Gas Requirements for the VGA-77

Argon or nitrogen gas (dry 99.99% argon preferred) at pressure of 300-400 kPA (43­57 psi). Recommended pressure 325 kPA (46 PSI). Maximum consumption 0.1 L/min.

ETC-50 Electrothermal Temperature Controller

Electrically heated quartz cell for vapor generation AA. Consists of power supply, temperature controller and replaceable workhead. Indicator lights for power on, heater status, ready condition and error condition. Replaceable workhead encloses quartz cell and heater winding with inert alumina/silica insulation. Thermocouple provides feedback temperature control over range from ambient to 999 °C in 1 °C increments.

Electrical Requirements

ETC-50 requires 110-120/220-240 volts AC /-10%, 50 or 60 Hz +/- 3%.

ACT-80 Atom Concentrator Tube

Increases sensitivity by a factor of 2 to 3 for a number of air-acetylene elements. Double slotted tube of high grade thick walled VICOR quartz for extended lifetime.

Kit includes 5 spare tubes and burner mounting bracket.

General Information

All SpectrAA instruments and accessories feature the Tri-coat corrosion resistant paint protection scheme.


For all SpectrAA-600 spectrometers and accessories, recommended environmental conditions are:

For Storage:

5-45 °C at 20-80% relative humidity, non­-condensing.

For Operation:

10-35 °C, below 853 metres altitude 8-80% relative humidity, non-condensing.

10-25 °C, between 853 and 2133 metres altitude 8-80% relative humidity, non-condensing.

Gas Requirements - Flame Operation

Air supply - clean, dry and oil free at pressure of 240-450 kPa (35-65 psi), Recommended pressure 420 kPa (60 psi). Normal consumption 13.5-20 L/min.

Nitrous-oxide (instrument grade, 99.5% pure) at pressure of 240-450 kPa (35-65 psi), Recommended pressure 420 kPa (60 psi). Normal consumption 11-16 L/min.

Acetylene (instrument grade 99.0% pure) at pressure of 50-105 kPa (7-15 psi),

Recommended pressure 60 kPa (8.5 psi). Normal consumption 1.5-8.6 L/min.

Fume Extraction

Conventional laboratory extraction system required but does not require additional close-up fume extraction.

The concentration of dust and vapors in the instrument environment should comply with the relevant Federal and State health standards for the laboratory workplace. Full details of the space, power, gas and exhaust system requirements for SpectrAA-600 systems are detailed in the Varian publication "Pre-Installation Instructions for SpectrAA Systems", Part No. 85 101193 00, which is available upon request from your local Varian office or representative.

Electrical Requirements

All instruments and accessories (except the SpectrAA-600 Zeeman, GTA-100, GTA-100 Zeeman and ETC-50 as noted above) require mains supply of 100/120/220/240 volts AC +/- 10%, 50 or 60 Hz. +/- 1 Hz with the power consumption as shown in the table above.

As part of Varian's commitment to continuous improvement, product specifications may change without notice.

  Weights, dimensions and power requirements




  Power Consumption



  (W x H x D)











  110 x 42 x 61




  (44 x 17 x 24)




  53 x 60 x 45




  (21 x 24 x 18)

  With optional Diluter

  53 x 60 x 52

  (21 x24 x21)

  With rear rack extension

  53 x 60 x 61

  (21 x 24 x 25)

  GTA-100 power supply



  45 x 28 x 54


  (including GTA-100 Zeeman)



  (18 x 11 x 22)

  GTA-100 with workhead

  54 x 40 x 54

  in storage position

  (22 x 16 x 22)




  31 x 31 x 36




  (13 x 13 x 15)

  by GTA




  32 x 21 x 27




  (13 x 8 x 11)




  26 x 15 x 24

  550 Max



  (10 x 6 x 9.5)

In normal operation, the GTA-100 and GTA-100 Zeeman will draw surge currents in

Excess of the nominal rating

Product group: Atomic absorption spectrometers (graphite furnace)

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