
Bischoff HPLC 2250

ID-number: 017871
Status: Archived Product?The unit is no longer available.
Bischoff HPLC system isocratic. Binary pump 2250. UV/VIS-Detector Lambda 1010. Rheodyne injector 77251. Sofware McDAcq 32 control. Interface LC-CADI 22-14
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Objektnummer B00017871
ID-number 017871
Object name Bischoff HPLC 2250
Status Archiv

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manufacturer :       Bischoff

model :                   HPLC 2250

annotation :           Dokumente engl.



HPLC Pump 2250

Model 2250 – The serial dual piston pump for routine and research



Technical requirements and design

Current users of modern HPLC pumps expect to obtain not only minimum pulsation and a solvent independent flow reporducibility, but also an optimum performance over the largest possible ranges of flow and pressure combined with a high resistance against salt solutions in the pump head. Operation should be possible eihter in stand-alone mode or via a computer or a central processor.

A user-oriented design should allow easy handling and maintenance.

The model 2250 HPLC Compact Pump, manufactured under ISO 9001 satisfies all these requirements and is therefore suitable for use in both simple isocratic and gradient HPLC systems:

- The serail dual piston pump with only two check valves gurantees a minimum rest pulsation. The use of an additional pulse damper is generally not necessary even when using pulsationsensitive detectors such as Refractiv Index detector or Electrochemical detector.

- Easily interchangeable pump heads cover a wide linear range of flow rates and allow operation with microbore, analytical, preparative and short columns for fast HPLC. Three different pump heads can be used for various application areas.


Electronic pump head identification with automatic control of flow and pressure ranges simplifies the use of the pump for the different applications.


Typical flow ranges are:


Micro pump head

Flow range: 1 – 999 µL/min


Analytical pump head

Flow range: 10 – 4999 µL/min


Preparative pump head

Flow range: 1.0 – 19.99 mL/min


The pump head includes the complete liquid delivery unit and it easily accessible for maintenance. Due to the serial arrangement of pistons and the use of only two check valves the model 2250 HPLC Compact Pump combines the advantages of a single piston pump with those of a dual piston pump.


For applications with buffers the pump head can be provided with a piston back wash assembly. Rinsing of high pressure piston seals prevents a possible crystallisation of buffer salts which might penetrate behind the seals through existing micro leakages, thereby causing damage to the seals. Thus, a wet or humid space behind the seal can prevent crystallisation.


Various check valve cartridges are available for different applications and for the analytical, microbore and preparative flow range.


Service and Maintenance

The model 2250 HPLC compact Pump can be used for high pressure or low pressure gradients. To run a high pressure gradient you need one additional model 2250 HPLC Compact Pump and the model 1152 Central Processor for gradient control. In low pressure mode there is only the need for the model 1152 Central Processor and the model 1150 Low Pressure Gradientmixer which is available for binary or ternary gradients. Programming of both kinds of gradient modes is the same, there is no need to learn different program structures.

The compact design simplifies maintenance because parts like the pump head are easily accessible. The pump can be upgraded to the latest software version by simply interchanging an EPROM an the main board inside the pump.


EPROMs for special applications, such as for slow start-up flow program for colum protection are also available.




Flow rate range                          Pump head M                             0.001 – 0.999 mL/min

                                                  Pump head A                             0.01 – 4.99 mL/min

                                                  Pump head P                             0.1 – 19.9 mL/min


Flow rate accuracy                    at 20 – 80 % FS                         ≤ 3 %

Flow reproducibility                                                                      ≤ 0 ,5 %

Pressure range                          Pump head M                             0 – 60 Mpa

                                                  Pump head A                             0 – 50 Mpa

                                                  Pump head P                             0 – 15 Mpa

Pump head volumes (analytical)

- main piston                                                                                54 µL

- priming piston                                                                            20 µL

Pump displacement volumes

- main piston                                                                                45 µL

- priming piston                                                                            14 µL

Length of stroke

- main piston                                                                                5.6 mm

- priming piston                                                                            1.8 mm

Residual pressure pulsation      compensated by setting the proper            ≤ 3 %

at 2 mL/min and 20 Mpa into a 125                                             compressibility     

mm column

Pressure measurement            a) volume of the pressure transducer         50 µL

                                                  b) accuracy                                3 %

                                                  c) resolution of the display         0.1 Mpa

                                                  d) recorder output                      1 mV/Mpa

Pressure shut down                                                                    adjustable

                                                  a) maximum switch-off time      0 to FS ≤ 20 ms

                                                  b) minimum switch-off time       0.1 to FS

                                                  alter initial delay of 2 min            3 cycles

                                                  not effective at 0.0 Mpa


Compressibility                                                                            adjustable

Correction mode                                                                          manually

Purge valve                                                                                  standard

Purge key                                                                                     runs maximum flow of installed head

Display alternatively                   a) flow                                        6 digit LED display

                                                   b) pressure                                with sign and pump

                                                                                                    head type other

                                                  c) compressibility                       than standard

Pump head identification                                                             automatically

Input                                                                                             by 6 push button keys

Exteranl control                          by contact closures                   a) stop pump

                                                  Or active input                            b) reduce flow

                                                  By RS 232 or current loop         all functions

Auxiliary outputs                                                                           a) suction phase

                                                                                                    b) pump stop

Power requirements                                                                    110/220 V ± 10 %

                                                                                                    50/60 Hz

                                                                                                    50 VA

Temperature range                                                                      + 15 °C up to +30°C

Dimensions                                                                                  381 x 255 x 133 mm

Weight                                                                                          8.7 kg


Lambda 1010 UV/VIS Detektor


Simple operation conditions and compact desing
The spectromonitor Lambda 1010 is a programmable UV/VIS detector for HPLC and CE. The advanced technology and the user friendly design of the instrument generate superb results in routine and more sophisticated chromatographic applications.

Economical on lab space

The spectromonitor Lambda 1010 is especially designed to save lab space. All components are selected under the highest quality standards and specifications to meet the demand for modern HPLC, LC an CE separation technologies. The high specifications and ease of use of the Lambda 1010 make it easy to use for a wide variety of applications.

Sophisticated optics

The design of the optical block enables the user to have access to all important parts (e.g. flow cell, lamp) without disturbing the stability of the spectromonitor Lambda 1010. The combination of low power electronics (low rise in temperature) and the compact and robust optical bench result in a remarkably compact instrument. The optical system is mounted on a separate base plate which is integrated into the housing. The lamp holder and the holder for the flow cell are outside the housing of the spectromonitor Lambda 1010. Therefore the interchange of flow cells of lamps is very easy.
The flow cells are reproducibly fixed by two knurled screws. The lamps are prealigned and can be mounted without any further alignment. The light beam of the Deuterium lamp is focussed by a high quality quartz lens in the lamp holder on the entrance slit of the monochromator. The grating is moved with a DC-servo system, wavelength is measured by a high linearity potentiometer. To ensure the highest stability of the base line, the light beam leaving the monochromator passes through a beam splitter and 15% of the light is used to provide the stable reference signal.


The spectromonitor Lambda 1010 allows continuous variation in wavelength from 190 - 800 nm and in the range from 0.001 - 1.999 AUFS. Including the excellent values for stability and signal-to-noise ratio you will see effective detection even with the lowest sample concentrations.

Wavelength switching

For analyses of compounds which differ in their l max. and/or in concentration and therefore in the absorbance at the peak maximum, it is useful to switch the detection wavelength and the range during the chromatographic run according to the retention time of the compound. For complex mixtures the spectromonitor Lambda 1010 offers switching of l and range with up to 9 steps per program.

Detection at the absorbance maximum

To detect unknown compounds at their maximum absorbance, it is recommended to use the l max. wavelength . The spectromonitor Lambda 1010 offers the possibility to measure the UV-spectra of eluting peaks during the chromatogram withourt stop-flow. Measuring first the absorbance of the eluent and then the spectra of the separated compounds you will obtain the peak spectra by a subtraction process.


With the spectromonitor Lambda 1010 you have the ability to measure a spectrum while the chromatogram is running. For this purpose a Rheodyne valve is used (e.g. RH7125) as a stream switching device. Instead of the sample loop, the inlet and outlet capillaries of the flow cell are connected to the valve. At the position Inject, the eluent is flowing through the valve and the flow cell continuously. At the peak maximum the valve is switched onto the position Load. The compound of interest is stopped in the flow cell for spectral measurement. During spectral measurement the eluent is still flowing through the column and the equilibrium is not disturbed.

Baseline subtraction

Gradient elutions often shows a base line drift, due to self absorbance of the eluent related to the wavelength. This effect is significant in the lower UV range. The spectromonitor Lambda 1010 allows you to memorize the baseline of the blank-gradient run and therefore to subtract it from the sample gradient run. As a result you get an increase in sensitivity and the identification of small chromatographic signals.

Technology for today and tomorrow

Capillary chromatography, CZE and CE
The easy access to the cell block in the spectromonitor Lambda 1010 enables other special facilities. The regular micro flow cell with a volume of 0.8 µl is useful for columns with an internal diameter of 1 to 2 mm and a length of 12.5 to 25 cm. For capillary chromatography (µLC) it is recommended to decrease the cell volume and the void volume between column and flow cell. Chromatography with columns with internal diameters of 3 to 4 mm and detection in a micro flow cell becomes more and more important.
· Less eluent consumption for columns with smaller internal diameter for economic and ecological benefits.
· Less sample amount is needed reflecting current practice in many laboratories.
Using capillary columns, there is the need to detect the eluent directly on-column to avoid peakbroadening and any other extra column effect. This is possible with the capillary flow cell of the spectromonitor Lambda 1010 where the fused silica separation capillary is mounted in the light beam. The capillary flow cell for the spectromonitor Lambda 1010 is retrofitable. An additional calibration of the detector to adapt the flow cell is not needed. The self aligning optics of the capillary flow cell guarantee the adjustment of different capillary diameters to the optics of the detector.
Due to the small illuminated volume, the low noise of ±2x10-5 AU, and the high separation efficiency of CZE, the mass-sensitivity for Uracil is approx. 1 pg. The capillary acts like a cylindrical lens and gives extraordinarily good linearitiy for the detector with absorbances < 0 ,1 AUFS.



Wavelength range                             190 - 800 nm
  with Deuterium lamp (standard)         190 - 400 nm
  with Halogen lamp (optional)              400 - 800 nm

Optical band width                            6 nm

Wavelength accuracy                        ±2 nm

Wavelength reproducibility              ±0.2 nm

Sensitivity range                              

incremental in 0.001 AU steps             0.001 - 1.999 AU

Noise at 230 nm                                

(Cell filled with water)                           ±1 x 10 -5 AU

Baselinedrift at constant temperature
at 230 nm                                             5 x 10 -4 AU/h

Auto zero range                                 -0.1 up to +1.999 AU

Time constant                                    0.02 s / 0.1 s / 0.5 s / 2 s

Recorder output                                100 mV

Integrator output                               1 V/AU


            internal                                      +10 mV

            external                                    +5 mV

Flow cells , optical pathlength

analytical , 10 mm (Standard)              10 µl

micro , 3 mm (optional)                        0,8 µl

preparative , 0.3 mm (optional)             2 µl

capillary , 75 µm (optional)

Pressure limit of the cell                  5 MPa


Conditions per line

Start time of the line                             1-9999s

Wavelength                                          190-400 nm

                                                            400-800 nm (optional)

                                                            0,001 – 1.999 AU

Rage                                                    at start of program line

Auto zero                                              by reference run

Baseline correction over time             

Recording spectra

Range                                                  0.05 – 1.999 AU

Wavelength range                                190-400 nm

                                                            400- 800 nm (optional)

Baseline correction over wavelength   by revernece run

External control

- by contact closures                           autozero


- by current loop or via RS232             all functions

Temperature range                           + 15 up to 30°C

Power requirements                         110/220 V ± 10%

                                                            50/60 Hz

                                                            55 VA

Dimensions                                        483 x 255 x 155 mm

Weight                                                 13 ,9 kg

Multiwavelength Detector DAD-3L

DAD-3L, front view

The DAD 3L is manufactured under ISO 9001. Its features offer great benefits not only for routine but also for research and preparative applications :

• Three wavelength channels
The instrument allows the independent selection of 3 wavelength channels between 190 and 395 nm. The signals of these channels are available simultaneously with a settable frequency between 0.2 and 20 Hz.

• Diode array technology allows high sensitivity combined with highest baseline stability
The detector uses the diode bunching technique to increase signal to noise ratio. This means for each channel an independent selectable number of up to 60 diodes can be “bunched” to improve the signal to noise ratio.

• Internal reference channel
Beside the 3 signal channels a reference channel can be defined to eliminate lamp energy instabilities, which may occur with instable current input. The diode bunching option is also available for the reference channel.

• Ratio channel (ch1/ch2) for peak purity check in real time
The ratio between channel 1 and channel 2 which is calculated by the detector itself is a available as continuous signal on a separate channel. Data are provided with the same frequency as in the other channels.

• Analogue integrator and recorder output for all signal channels
All 3 signal channels and the ratio channel have separate analogue integrator (1 V/ 1 AU) and recorder outputs (100 mV).

• Recorder output range is free selectable between 1 mAU and 2000 mAU.

• Stand alone Detector for any HPLC system
To integrate the detector into an existing HPLC-system a marker port with in- and output option (5 mV / 10mV) and an input for the auto zero via contact closure is available.

• RS 232 interface for full access to all parameters
The 9 Pin RS232 port allows a full remote control and data transfer via PC. This interface is also used when the instrument is integrated in a BISCHOFF HPLC - System. To write own control software the Syntax for all commands is documented in the manual.

• Upgrade to full Diode Array Detector is possible

• Easy lamp replacement
The Bischoff Deuterium lamps come pre-aligned. The combination with the special lamp holder make lamp changes very easy. There is no need for tools.


• Flow cells for different applications

Analytical flow cell                               10 mm path length

                                                              8 µL cell volume

Preparative flow cell                           0.4 mm path length

                                                              2 µl cell volume




SPECIFICATIONS Multiwavelength Detektor DAD-3L

Number of diodes:                               256

Optical bandwidth:                              4 nm

Pixel distance:                                     0 ,8 nm

Wavelength accuracy:                         + 1 nm


Reproducibility:                                   + 1 nm

Baseline noise at 230 nm:                  + 0.00002 AU

( cell filled with water)

Measuring range:                                0.001 – 1.999 AU/FS

( incremental in 0.001 AU steps)

Drift compensation:                             By selectable reference channel

Auto zero range:                                  -0.001 – 1.999 AU

4Recorder outputs:                             0 – 1.00 mV

4 Integrator outputs :                          0 – 1 V/AU

Analytical flow cell Optical Path :       10 mm

Volume:                                                 8 µl

Preparative flow cell Optical path:    0.4 mm

Volume:                                                 2 µl

Pressure limit of the cell:                  5 MPa (=50 bar)

Lamp :                                                     Deuterium lamp with elapsed time indicator.

                                                              Characteristic life time ia 1000 hours.

                                                              Input by 8 push button keys.

External control:

By contact closures:                              auto zero


Via RS 232                                             all functions

Power requirements:                          110/220 V ± 10%

                                                              50/60 Hz

                                                              55 VA

Temperature range:                            +15°C up to +30 °C


                                              Size :Optical Unit                    Electronical Unit

                                              DAD 3L-OU                             DAD 3L-EU

Height :                                  155 mm                                    130 mm

Width :                                    260 mm                                    260 mm

Length :                                  480 mm                                    400 mm

Weight :                                  12 ,8 kg                                     4,0 kg

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